OK I guess HAL has gone Bonkers (PART II)

Postby HUDAMAN » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:13 pm

For the moment, let's accept the proposition that Delluci is better than Vlad in the field (somewhat subjective, I'd come down on the Vlad side, but that's beside the point here). The decision is still flawed...

[quote:67b93c90a8="bernieh"]Dellucci, a lefty, has a better card vs. righties than Vlad...[/quote:67b93c90a8]

Okay, fine, we'll agree to disagree on that one, but even if I grant you that point, then it should be a pinch hit situation. If that's a determining factor, then Delluci should pinch hit for Vlad if the situation still calls for it. HAL should not presume that the pitcher will remain in the game, because that's really not very likely.

[quote:67b93c90a8="bernieh"]Add that to the fact that the computer regards Dellucci's 4e3 as much less of a liability in RF than Vlad's 4e15 [/quote:67b93c90a8]

Jeep is trailing in the game. Why would HAL think that a defensive substitution was ever warranted in that situation? It's possible that there might be a very limited number of circumstances that this would make sense, but they are rare. How many major league managers make a defensive substitution when trailing? I can't recall ever seeing it happen.

Even allowing that HAL's judgements about player values are correct, this is still the wrong move, especially if a manager hasn't asked for it.
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Postby bernieh » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:40 pm

[quote:59c75e1ab8="leehaak"]Even allowing that HAL's judgements about player values are correct, this is still the wrong move, especially if a manager hasn't asked for it.[/quote:59c75e1ab8]
I ultimately agree with this summary.

Okay, so I have to figure out the best solution to situations like this. The logic that used an unnecessary (though well-intentioned) player off the bench here is the same logic that allows my upgraded code to put the (ostensible) best possible configuration on the field for you in most other cases. Consider, for my sake at least, that even though you were unhappy with the move, it happened in a sea of general improvement in terms of in-game substitutions.

Wow was that defensive or what? Heh, okay sorry basically I'm saying please bear with me.
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Postby HUDAMAN » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:26 pm

Bernie, I think everyone is certainly willing to take two steps forward even if we take a step back now and then. Unintended side effect of an otherwise progressive change is certainly something I'd imagine we can accept. Thanks for the great work, as always. I've seen Larussa 'mastermind' move far more unintelligible than this one.... :shock:

Now, can you uninjure some of my players.....!
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Postby Jeepdriver » Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:53 pm

Down by a run I've got to have my best offensive team in there. Lee's point about the same pitcher likely not even being in the game when Vlad's spot comes up is dead on, too.

Bernie, I've also had Beltran move down to the 7 spot (I had him 3rd) and Loretta, whom I had 9th moved to lead-off in same game as the Beltran move. This obbviously isn't the best line-up.

We appreciate everything you're doing, hopefully a little trial and error will improve the situation.

Right now there's some kinks that need ironed out.
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:11 pm

I've had lineups shuffled around moving The Big Hurt from the cleanup spot to leadoff. :roll: :roll:
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Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:58 pm

This move really makes me mad. When Pudge substituted defensively for Lieberthal the 'new' program put in Derosa in LF for Scott. Keep in mind Scott is NOT checked to be replaced on 'D'. Geez how can this benefit me? Obviously it can't.

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Postby bernieh » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:22 pm

Jeep, I agree. That move didn't make sense. Fortunately it's code that I wrote and have a better chance of improving than other areas. This example should help me.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:56 pm

Thanks for your response.
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