2007 - The Backwards Season?

2007 - The Backwards Season?

Postby paul.czarnecki » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:29 am

I've been in about 5 leagues so far and I've found that there are a significant number of hitters who are doing the opposite of their cards. In other words, hitters with an L rating do better against righties and hitters with an R rating are doing better against lefties.

Anyone else found this to be the case?
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:46 am

Not really, at least for me. The R and L ratings are pretty general, and depend on many factors. Not sure what you are using as your indicator of "doing better" - OBP, hits, HRs, etc, but it would be hard to show that given how vague the R and L ratings can be.

I look more at the specific card stats to measure how players are doing and only use the R and L ratings as a very general first look and no more.
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Postby wavygravy2k » Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:47 am

Rolen had a backwards season for me but that was the only backwards guy.

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Postby rossarino » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:54 pm

Seems to me some of the pitchers results are not reflective of their cards. I faced Randy Johnson and Chris Young (both hard left p) several times and stacked my lineup full or rh batters and they always seem to pitch a gem against me? I look at these guys cards and I can't wait to face them. Anyone else had this experience?
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