A Friendly Reminder Courtesy of Strat

A Friendly Reminder Courtesy of Strat

Postby Loobee » Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:29 am

Ok so it may be a bit obvious with a qucik ( and I mean very quick ) glance in the mirror in the morning that you are no longer the young, ambitious, quick thinking stud you once were. The well defined bod now resembles something that looks like it fell out of a marshmallow bag, the salt and pepper hair now stands where a mane of jet black once stood, and alot less of it I might add and where once you were out of the shower and out the door within 5 minutes of each other is replaced by out the shower and sit at the table consuming large quantities of coffee to make sure you have enough buzz goin to make it to the Krispy Kreme for a refill on the way to work. Is there a point to this you ask ?? Yes there is and here is why I bring this up. A couple days ago I put together a team for a auto draft, going to be a Kauffman team. Everything going great as I have put togther what looks on paper to be a sweet team leaving the rest up to the Strat Draft Gods. Draft is run and my reaction is " Awesome " !!! I did really excellent in the draft, got some really nice Kauffman pieces. Mauer/Hudson/Furcal/Crawford/Abreu and my entire starting four of Wang/Peavy/Moyer/Beckett. Missed on a few but overall a very nice draft I thought. Now here is where Strat gave me a warning sign of old age creeping in, after I set up my list of players to draft instead of picking Kauffman the park I had spent all my time picking the players for I instead in a move of sheer brilliance picked Citizens Bank Park !!! So here I sit with a roster load of slap hitters and pitcher park pitchers ( except for Wang ) . The morale of this story is no matter what your denial level of old age creepin in you can also count on one of your fav hobbies to remind you !!!
p.s. I was just going to post this on my blog but decided I had to share with our whole community that if you see my name signed up for any auto drafts or get in any theme leagues with me you have a advantage already without even lookin at the other participants because it seems I no longer know where my teams will be playing !!! :lol: :wink:
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Postby durantjerry » Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:57 pm

I have never picked the wrong park, which I guess is pretty good as I have 200+ teams. I must admit that I have gone back and checked to make sure I had the right one though. I just created an 80's team, and I believe it tells you what park you picked on the page right before you join a league. I don't believe it does this in 2007. A minor feature, but one that can save you a eff-up such as yours.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:06 pm


What makes them suitable for Kaufman Stadium?
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Postby the splinter » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:19 pm

They have a high number of BPHR's that are negated in Kaufman.
the splinter
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Postby Stoney18 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:41 pm

Too funny! :D
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:00 pm

[quote:f7df72ab37]They have a high number of BPHR's that are negated in Kaufman. [/quote:f7df72ab37]

Then why not draft pitchers that have a low # of BP HRs that are not only good at Kaufman, but good at hitter parks too????

Well, that's what I think you should do ... that way, you have low HRs at home, as well as away.

Isn't that the logic? Becuase when those pitchers go on the road to a hitter park, they are going to get whacked.

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Postby davydrums » Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:17 pm

Time (like HAL)is an evil ***** mistress!...and I can't believe they deleted that word.
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Strat Keeps us Young!

Postby JohnnyBlazers » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:21 pm

I was wondering the other day why myself and others have this obsession with Strat. Probably because it is an extension of a game most of us played in our youth, a time when everything seemed to make more sense.
Not to wax nostalgic or sound overly simplistic, but the truth is the world has changed a lot in the last 30 years or so - but baseball remains the same. And at a time when there is much confusion, many of us turn to the comforts of home, of what is safe and true.
Seems like yesterday, I was club hoppin, playing "quarter shots", hell raisin, listening to Motley Crue and not a care in the world. Now it's in the cubicle by 8:00 after the same commute with the same people, checking e-mails, every day, over and over.....wait at least there's lunch hour! Check out the hot young secretaries..oh wait, here comes a hot one to ask me something...."Excuse me mister do you know where this address is"? MISTER!?? MISTER!?? what is that all about? Hey, check out my '79 Trans-am with the T-bar windows...Mister that why don;t ya! Time stops for no one
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:19 am

Shoot..... Strat does keep me young. With my gray hair.... balding on top.... the Mister word being used to much....no glasses yet.... but all this at 43. At least I can head to work when I want (self-employed) so I guess I still can breathe a little easier.

Hey wait.. in 4 months a will be a GRAND DAD :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Strat Keeps us Young!

Postby markp65 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:51 am

[quote:b1eb12150e="johnnyblazers"]Seems like yesterday, I was club hoppin, playing "quarter shots", hell raisin, listening to Motley Crue and not a care in the world. Now it's in the cubicle by 8:00 after the same commute with the same people, checking e-mails, every day, over and over.....wait at least there's lunch hour! Check out the hot young secretaries..oh wait, here comes a hot one to ask me something...."Excuse me mister do you know where this address is"? MISTER!?? MISTER!?? what is that all about? Hey, check out my '79 Trans-am with the T-bar windows...Mister that why don;t ya! Time stops for no one[/quote:b1eb12150e]

Awesome. 8)
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