Cellulite Longballers League 2007- Full and loading thx

Postby DAVIDLEE 2 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:52 pm

first 4 picks were Pujols, Utley, atkins and Carlos Lee.
my first 5 or 6 were hitters. then went for closers, wainwright and jenks
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Postby Terry101 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:53 pm

Went with 7 hitters then a few pitchers

M. Ramirez, Dye, Ortiz top 3
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:55 pm

I went for closers kinda early too....can't remember where....

Wainwright and Borowski somewhere in the 6-10 area
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Postby keyzick » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:15 pm

Hey Puckin Drunk...I read your post on "Courtesy of Strat"...good stuff (albeit slightly depressing :shock: ).

On another note, looks like SOM will decide which one of us gets Hafner. Wouldn't it be great if HAL posted the draft results for each league too (I CAN'T be the first person to suggest that...).
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Postby durantjerry » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:45 pm

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Postby durantjerry » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:49 pm

I misread the rules aqnd drafted relivers over $2.0. Guess my bullpen might be in trouble.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:57 pm

Yes Keyzick,

Leaving it up to Hal.....something I truly dread....

Thanks for the Kind words and it is very true about our perceptions of those with whom we compete against.

Faceless and mostly nameless people bantering back and forth as if we have know each other a life time about something we have in common. (Strat).

It is kind of nice in a way as well, we all accept each other at face (or no face) value regardless of Race, Color, Creed, Income, Job or political affiliation.

It takes out all the pre-concieved notions that all of us have good or bad.

Here is is just a bunch of people who love baseball and like to tease each other about trivial stuff that keeps the humor at a high level at all times

This is what I have learned in the past year just from a few of the guys in this league.

Ehlekev loves running in Marathons. Just moved to Minneapolis from Idaho and the "Blue Turf" football field. He is married to a young attractive woman who loves hockey and plays in a men's league.
He works for a Chain of Grocery stores. (I think).

Visick lives in Cali and is a practicing Chiropractor and I think owns his own practice.
Frank Lives in New York

Frank and Visick went to school together at Hofstra and have been friends for at least 20 years if not longer.

I know they are both around the same age as me, because I think they were freshman in '84 and I was a freshman at Mizzou in '84

Doc Tax is just that, an Accountant that works for himself which is always nice.

That is about all I know,

But you can learn alot about some of the folks here by playing in alot of leagues together, which we do.

As for me,
Real name is Brad
Grew up and presently live in St. Louis
41 years young

Single --never married though I was engaged for 4 years to a much younger (12 years my junior) and very hot young lady.....she also had 2 kids. Unfortunately she and I couldn't make it work.

I own/manage a chain of Nightclubs in the Midwest that until 2002 was going strong and then the bottom fell out (we got greedy and overextended ourselves) and we went from having 11 operating properties down to 2 which are still running today.

I also work in a family owned real-estate Commercial property management office that my dad started. (More or less a shopping center)
My brother and I have taken over most of the responsibility since my dad's stroke a few years back. He still is the boss, but my brother and I do most of the leasing and management and he relaxes and plays golf alot since he doesn't get around quite as well since the stroke.

Have lived in KC, Wichita, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Springfield MO, Quad Cities, Cleveland, St. Louis, Omaha and a few other places. Usually for only 6 months or so while we were building a Club and first couple months of operation.

St. Louis is home and unless something drastic happens will remain my home for the duration.

Work hard and play harder....my motto. I just have to win the lottery so I can just play harder and forget about work......
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:10 pm

My top five. Good Bye Albert. :(


Should have Gone:


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Postby keyzick » Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:40 pm

Interesting background info...

FWIW...I was a freshman at UConn in '86, so just a couple years younger than you, Frank, and Visick. I also just figured out Visick's "Socalchiro" id...seems obvious now!

Grew up and still live in CT, with a brief 4 year stint in NJ. Still play softball, basketball, volleyball, ski, etc. regularly (Big 2-man volleyball tournament next weekend currently prepping for!).

No kids, but a godfather several times over with 11 nieces and nephews.

Kinda funny knowing everyone's background, after witnessing people bustin' each other's chops over the boards and in the leagues.

[quote:04ac541c99]Work hard and play harder....my motto. I just have to win the lottery so I can just play harder and forget about work......[/quote:04ac541c99]

Couldn't have said it better myself!
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:05 pm

Bodie (Brad), great post. I can't believe you have such a great memory! You were saying stuff about me I didn't think anyone actually read. :D

I think your post explains why we spend $20 or $25 a pop to play this game (hmmm, I think that is like 3 or 4 good lunches worth of money). It's not the game as much as the commeraderie. My money is spent this way: $10 for the game and $15 for the escape from real life!

Thanks Bodie for setting up these crazy leagues. I'm more of a willing participant than a creator. You guys think these themes up, and I'll join and play .450 baseball consistently so you guys can pad your stats!! 8)

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