I totally agree with everything above as far as Strat goes. It is something that does take me back to the days when several friends used to call each other on the phone and break out the dice on the kitchen table with the score pads to keep track of the Carlton/Seaver match-up.
Hours and hours of dice rolling and the fact that my parents had no idea of what we were doing, but also didn't care because I was staying out of trouble. Thank god for land lines back then because my cell minutes wouldn't be able to support the time I spent on the phone during the week playing game after game.....And then the week-end would come and 8-10 of us would get together for overnight all night strat tourneys at one of the fella's houses.....their parents also wondering why we would stay up all night staring at cards and dice without getting too rowdy and raising a rukus in the subdivision somewhere....
Now in my early 40's and still working in a young persons world....I work in Restaurants/Nightclubs where I once also played quarters and did shot after shot getting blind drunk. Meeting all kinds of people that were there doing the same as I was. Worse of all I started working in Nightclubs when I was 20 and still do today except instead of serving the cocktails, now I own several interests and hire people that are now old enough/young enough to be my kids.......I don't have any that I know of....but if I did....they would now be old enough to work for me.
I see these kids work all night and then go out and party till the wee hours of the morning, get up and do it all over the next day.....just like I used to......
Except I can't do that anymore....my body refuses to let me, the knees are sore, the back is out of whack....the sleep is necessary to recover from the long night of work, peace and quiet is a priceless commodity with no loud music or disgruntled drunk for being cut off.....the girls seem to get younger and wilder with every year that passes....just proving to me that time has taken me from the good ole days to the present where I have no hair and I am not near as cool as I once thought I was....
I have reached middle age against my will and am being held prisoner In a body that has long passed it's prime. At least the young people are keeping me younger than I am, but yet the differences are more and more glaring each and every day.
But there is still Strato that brings me back to those days in High School and a time where Mortgages, Taxes and all responsibility was the worry of those middle aged people we called our parents......
I just wish someone would tell me I could go back and do it all over again..because I would.....
But we still have Strato and the golden years to look forward too.....back to wearing diapers and drooling at the sight of food that has to be cut up or puree'd so we can eat it. Sitting on a rocker trying to remember our name and the name of our favorite team or player.......
Time....what a wonderful curse.