by LANCEBOUSLEY » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:39 pm
geez viz, talk about focusing on one aspect of lineup contruction. with the 9 guys who played that game i go with the same lineup myself.....
now way escobar leads off with his slugging.....
now logan does not lead off even though he has better obp than berkman, he has 37 hits and 0 dps so he is a natural for #2 with this lineup...
ozuna's obp is only slightly better than berkman and he has more hits, positive clutch and better slugging.....
i really can't find that big a problem with the lineup as contructed by HAL....
berkman has 40 obp vs lhp and no hits and no slugging, there is really no other place to put him with giles and cairo already cloggin up the bottom of the order.
just my 2 cents, and that is all it's worth!! :D