There are a lot of managers here that know how to assemble a winning team. I've recently become of the opinion that being online 24/7 is the new key to assembling a winning team.
It used to be that if you could be up all night hitting F5, you'd likely score some good players at the frenzy. Now, the waivers system and timed frenzies at midnight have evened the playing field, which is good. However, I have noticed (without naming names) that certain owners seem to always be online and if you view the transactions lists, they always are able to get the key drop first. This is the new edge, and it drives me nuts to go to bed at 11pm and wake up and see that the player I wanted was dropped and snagged before 6am, and that when I leave work at 5:30, the same thing happens before I get home.
I need to quit my job and handcuff myself to this computer and then I'll be invincible!