Stadium Reconstruction

Postby J-Pav » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:14 am

As an afterthought, why couldn't stadiums simply be "purchased" as the players are? The more slanted or extreme, the more expensive the stadium.

Going a step further, I would personally like to see randomly assigned unique stadiums provided prior to the autodraft, forcing players to build and win in a wide variety of environments.

But all this is just an added layer of complexity to something that already works pretty well, all things considered.
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Postby Roscodog » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:50 am

I'd like to see the ballparks based on actual ballpark dimensions.
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Postby Jerlins » Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:34 pm

I can see it now:

After the first 27 games a team is 11 and 16. Oops, this is obviously not working, let me put RFK back to a 2 for a 20% salary dump. 45 games in, 20 and 25, take another 20% hit for bringing the stadium up to a 3. After 72 games....

By time the end of the season rolls around, the team will be playing in The Cell :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:39 pm

I agree with PBTR and J-Pav that the park configurations are the best. It makes the game more real and I think it is a tougher challenge to win in 07. BUT I like the idea of being able to "move the fences in or out" maybe 400K for BPS and 600K for BPHR. You get what you want but you pay for it- thats America.
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:24 pm

There was a comment her about a limit of three for BPHR differences left to right. I thought that was just the way the stats went this year, was it an artificial limit set in by SOM online?
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Postby J-Pav » Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:11 am

You'd have to get it from [b:b08e859fda]Bernie[/b:b08e859fda], but that's the way it worked out this year.

I'm curious to know, if at all, how the online game affects the board or computer version of the game. I can't believe the slants (and the stats generated from exploiting them) over the past years in the online game, didn't factor into the new less extreme L-R slants for the new season.

Maybe the drops in Shea or Minute Maid are statistically valid somehow, but I'm guessing it was a deliberate course correction (for the better, I would argue).
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:11 am

The stadium stats for the computer/board game are intended to improve the accuracy of the simulated statistics for replay seasons. Meaning Strat uses them to tweak the game so that simulated stats will be closer to real life stats. They actually have very little to do with the actual stadium construction or how the stadium "plays" in real life. That's why the numbers can fluctuate so much year to year even though most stadiums don't change.

I doubt that the online game has anything at all to do with those stats.
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Postby Rant » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:16 am

[quote:c80ffd96b2="J-Pav"]Going a step further, I would personally like to see randomly assigned unique stadiums provided prior to the autodraft, forcing players to build and win in a wide variety of environments.[/quote:c80ffd96b2]

I really would like to see this as an [i:c80ffd96b2]option[/i:c80ffd96b2], akin to how salary cap is an option.

I also think it would be fun to have randomly assigned salary caps per team prior to the autodraft (you're the GM, you may get Robert Nutting or George Steinbrenner as your owner) or after autodraft (start the cap at 60M for, say, 20 players and factor in random cap for waivers; most spendthrift owner gets first waiver pick.). This idea would be a bigger headache to program, though. So maybe I'll just start a league :roll:
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Postby Mean Dean » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:17 am

I don't think that SOM consults with TSN on game mechanics questions, or that Bernie would even [i:25052ab997]want[/i:25052ab997] to presume to tell them the specifics of how to make their game, after they've been doing it so well for 40 years. You may remember that ballpark ratings had been released at the beginning of this year, and were later rescinded; SOM had received incorrect stats from their stat provider. I'm guessing that making all the parks relatively even is part of the attempt to minimize the effect of this mistake (if the cards are already printed, you can never fully "correct" it -- you can only minimize the effect.) I'm not exactly sure how that would work, but this makes sense to me simply because the stadiums have never been like this before and they've never had to correct a large-scale card construction problem before either. If we get some asymmetrical parks again next year, then that certainly supports this theory.
Mean Dean
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:24 pm

You know,

The more I think about it, I don't like the Idea either.

Mine may be more of a basic reason, though.

Last year MM and a couple others were slanted so much that it created mis-matches that in reality don't exist.

Instead of trying to build your own team (which is what happens in reality), you spend half your salary trying to offset what other managers are doing in their MM and Petco and a few others.

I could build a team for success, but at the same time find myself at an immediate dis-advantage if I had a MM in my division. I only played in MM 2 times all of last year because I didn't like it.....which I am sure wasn't the norm.

This year it is more evenly distibuted and causes you to build your team for you and doesn't penalize you based on someone elses choice (for the most part)

I too have had a much harder time finding the right mix this year, but the challenge is half the battle.

I am on the fence (tongue in cheek) on this, but lean more to not being able to change parameters of the game itself.
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