I hesitate to weigh in with my limited experience and success. You heard from the best guys already. I have a Wrigley team in second place. It is:
The link looks weird but it works. I did survey about 15 Wrigley teams in my other ten leagues, only one winner, by the way. So I would concur on a lot of the things you have heard.
I know Aramis R. works great if you can stand his 4 rating on d, Sheffield did real well here and in another team. I saw Vlad tear it up in a Wrigley team, those are obvious. Belliard was the best 2nd baseman in the survey. I do think you can get too RH in your thinking and find yourself at Shea (I have three in my league). Maddux was the best deal going. Zambrano of course and Peavy. It is the most quirky park I played in so far.
I would be interested in seeing how you do.