Round 3, league 7 - Live Draft Time

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Off or On the Clock

Postby TexasKen » Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:42 pm

The reason the draft has progressed this far is that most team are using proxies. If we followed the rules, the draft would be completed. Imagine if everyone went manual; the draft could take weeks. In addition, the teams that do no use proxies have an unfair advantage in a draft where the time clock is not being used. Why are we not following the rules?


From Teepack Post
There is no clock in the first round. After all managers have signed in and made their first round pick, the time clock is 2 hours in rounds thereafter. However, the clock should not run between midnight ET and 10 a.m. ET to be fair to all involved. Each league will decide for itself whether or not to use the clock during the weekend.
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Postby Roscodog » Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:46 pm

I really wish more would use the proxies or at the very least check in more often to make their picks. There is no reason why the draft can't be done and the league started Wednesday. Thursday at the latest is a good goal, that would put the waiver draft saturday and give us a day to make some moves. I really want this league to start Monday.
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Postby DBROWN » Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:04 pm

Thursday or Bust!!

And here's hoping everyone has a safe 4th of July with family and friends.
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Postby SGTD » Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:58 am

Guys, the site does not just give you players. If you have proxies set, it will give you those players. If your first choice is taken it will give you your second choice, if he is gone it goes to your third choice, ect, if all of your proxies have been taken by everyone else it stops and you have to manually pick your player. The post above..."I wanted Furcal but it gave me Helms", if you had Furcal as a Proxy it would have given him to you, if you had Helms ranked ahead of Furcal it would give you Helms over Furcal. The problem that I keep seeing and reading is the old Buyer Remose and drops are occuring way too much which is not fair to some of the managers who set proxies on the premise taht some players will be gone because of need of other teams and all of a sudden that player is on the market again and someone else gets him or the player you are targeting is there and you proxy for him and someone does a drop and takes him. Drops need to be approved by the comish to keep it fair for everyone. Just my 2 cents. For the record, I have been impressed by the speed of this draft in regards to some drafts that I have been part of because guys refused to proxy. SGT D
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Postby teepack » Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:31 am

BED is right. There are not supposed to be any drops allowed in live drafts. I realize ya'll have already worked through some of these but please, in the future, no drops are allowed. The draft system does not give you players you have not listed as proxies. In my live draft, I screwed up and took two $6M plus catchers in my first four picks. I could have raised a stink and asked to drop the second catcher after I realized my mistake, but I didn't. I did try to trade him but got no takers and eventually just cut him during the waiver process. Drops are unfair because you rob the players who are picking after you of a chance to draft the player you are dropping.
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speaking of trades

Postby FRANKWAELTERMANN » Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:04 am

BigAlric and I have agreed to trade our stadiums. But every time I try to set up the trade on the site, it shows an error. Can someone help? Or is it good enough that I stated this here?
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:33 am

If it's a trade of stadiums, I can't imagine anyone objecting to both owners going ahead and using the new stadiums during the team setup. I don't think it's necessary to make the trade on the site.

BTW, what is the trade?

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Postby JEFFFESPERMAN » Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:16 pm

Do all stadium picks have to be done manually? I had my stadium pick set as a round 17 proxy selection, but when my round 10 pick came up the computer selected the stadium rather the the player I had indicated as my one and only proxy choice for round 10.
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stadium trade

Postby BigAlric » Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:26 pm


we had to void that trade because WARRIOR has already used Citizen's Bank Park in the first rounds. So there's no deal. Sorry for any confusion.
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Postby SGTD » Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:48 pm

Are we going to place the drafted players at the top or the bottom of the draft card.? What are the Division Alignments? Do we have a target date? SGT D
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