

Postby GREGRASHEED » Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:33 pm

Am I the only one that refuses to draft guys like Alex Escobar in order to play them in double or triple the number of games they played in real MLB? Am I being a stuck in the mud and missing out on the real fun of Strat? I am also like that with my pitching which is why I refuse to draft guys like Franciso Liriano and have them start over 30 games. Is there anyone else out there like me that has this purist condition? Is it curable?
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Postby Mean Dean » Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:37 pm

Who cares if you're "the only one" or not? It's your life, do what you want.
Mean Dean
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Postby LACEYBURNETTE » Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:46 pm

You're not the only one. However, if you feel you have to win to have a good time, you could be working at cross purposes. I don't care if I win, although I do like to finish above .500, and sometimes I do win.
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:13 pm

For $25.... I am playing to win. That being said... I have yet to draft Escobar or Liriano in a real league. Theme league I have used Liriano once.
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Postby vince0501 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:57 pm

There is nothing wrong with doing that if that is how you enjoy the game. I know many online Strat leagues have usage limits designed to mimic real life. This game is not really set up that way.

I have played Strat since the early 70's (OMG I am old :)) I was never a replay guy. I always threw together draft teams, and tried out players based on the cards. I guess that is why I enjoy the online version, because it is more like the way I always played the game.
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Postby chasenally » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:46 pm

Play the way you want to play and when you win you can say "I did it my way" You will have more fun with that. Most do play to win and use the cards that work for them. Remember that it is hard to draft a team with only 23 - 26 players that have played a whole season to make it feel real for you. You will never get all the innings pitched for a season out of 12 pitchers on your roster.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:10 am

I agree with the other guys. Play the game you want to play. You can still win being a purist. Guys like Escobar and others can sometime haunt team owners. It happened to be Escobar who in one league, a guy in my division lost him 30 of the first 34 games of the season because of two 15 game injuries. That is a lot of payroll not in the mix for a long time. The owner kept him (I would have dumped him when he got the second 15 gamer). Escobar ended up playing 104 games. He missed 58 games. That is pretty normal for him. I don't know if I would pay a guy $4.31M and miss 58 games.....but everyone has their own opinion.
I think the pitchers are skewed because the Lirianos of the world can pitch 250 innings. The game is not good at stoppiing these types of pitchers with injuries or usage limitations.

Anyway, have fun! Most of the veterans with high winning percentages are purists......but also committed to winning.........AT ALL COSTS. I dare not say that guys who overuse players are not Purists of baseball. We are just very competitive.
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Postby coyote303 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:10 am

I wish Escobar was excluded from the online game. However, since he's not, I drafted him and will play him as much as I can get out of him.

Doing so would appall me in any kind of head-to-head league that was attempting any kind of realistic replay. However, that's not what Strat-O-Matic online is about (IMHO), so I'm going to pick anyone who I think will help my team.

I suspect in a head-to-head league with replay limits, even most purists who had Escobar would then use him in only the most important situations such as key pinch hit situations. That's not exactly "realistic" either. (An obvious exception to my statement is someone playing an "as played" league, following real life lineups as they were played.)
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Postby geekor » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:42 am

That's why for 2 years I've been asking Bernie to add in a "+10%" option when creating leagues, where it only allows people to go +10% of their real usage, just so purists would be happy as well.
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Postby LA Bear » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:51 am

I wouldn't mind use limit options if you could call up replacements at no charge when I player maxed out. With that said, I also don't mind that it is what it is...a simulation game with many ways to build a winner (or loser which is often in my case :D ). Many folks have won with poor starters (0.50) and lights out relief staffs in the past...it's all just a game.
LA Bear
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