Hey Geekor,

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:21 pm

With waivers about 2 hrs away,

I have decided to keep Miggy, and still go for my LF and German at 2nd base....That should set my top 3 spots, but will leave me weak in relief

It would give me something like this as a starting lineup...if it works out

SS- Drew
LF- Scott
C- Snyder

Very little power, but good obp and TB and Hits and Starting Pitching is pretty good

Edgar Gonzalez
Anibal Sanchez
Pedro Martinez
J. Sowers
C. Young

Wickman as Closer

Of course......that is if everything goes my way....which it won't
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:46 pm


Not too bad,

Luke Scott was grabbed as I suspected, but the rest fell to me and I grabbed Manny instead which gives me a bit of pop and great obp plus xtra bases.

It also allowed me to replace Correia with Soriano to be set up guy.

Here is final roster:


Was wondering how to do a lineup out of this.....

If I lead German off and Manny is #2 does Diaz work in #3 spot vs RHP? and Cabrera 4th??

This is my quick thinking


or put Diaz 3 and move Ichiro to 9th and Gload 5th


I could move Ichiro to 2nd to break up LH/RH a bit and move Manny to 4th and Escobar to 6th. That way I won't have 4 RHB, 3 LHB, 2 RHB which could pose problems when matching up with relievers
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Postby visick » Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:56 pm

You can't bat Manny 2nd. He's a #3 or 4 hitter.

German leads off on this team and maybe Diaz bats 5th - 7th.

As much as I like Drew's card and his 30 hit chances BOTH ways, he's gonna give up too many hits @ ss.

I would downgrade Sanchez on this squad.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:17 pm

There is one move that could solve the SS issue

I could downgrade to Everett and dump Drew and upgrade Catcher with Bard and dump Snyder but I would have to get rid of Sanchez and go with Maine.

Would that make enough of a difference to save a few hits though????
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:49 pm


That is what I did,

I put Everett at SS and picked up Bard as Catcher and Downgraded Sanchez to Maine

It cost me Gonzo, but picked up Winn instead as a backup that hits some doubles.

I agree, having two 3's up the middle could have cost me a few games and Bard makes up for Drew with 30 hits per side....I just hope my starting pitching is as good as it can be.
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Postby geekor » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:09 am

That's a tough call there Bodie,

I think Sanchez is a great SP, but Bard is a pretty good C as well.

You may be to the point where you have too much offense.

vs Lefties you have 2 leadoff (German, Ichiro), a great #2 or 3 hitter (Escobar), + Manny, Cabrera, Bard. Gload bats 7th vs L, diaz probably 9th as a 2nd leadoff (worst hitter should be 8th, ie everett). You see what I mean about maybe too much hitting!

vs R Ichiro should bat 9th, Everett 8th. German 1st. Then I would probably go Manny 2nd, Bard, Cabrera, Escobar, Gload, Diaz. Or mabe switch Diazz and Gload.... tough call here.

You maybe better off dropping Escobar in this case and getting a cheap non injury Def RF and getting Sanchez back. It's really up to you, you have a lot of offense on that team, and that works sometimes, there is always more than 1 way to skin a cat! I know some people who loved building pure offensive team in pitchers parks and did very well.
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Postby Rant » Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:53 pm

[quote:eceef7db6d="geekor"]You may be to the point where you have too much offense.

You maybe better off dropping Escobar in this case and getting a cheap non injury Def RF and getting Sanchez back. [/quote:eceef7db6d]

Sanchez is gone, but Villanueva is there and is usually lights out. If you were to drop Escobar + C. Young, there are some potentially interesting adds. Either someone like Tucker to turn your order over or a platoon (Kielty + Winn?).
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:46 pm

I am on the fence with your move Rant,

While Villanueva is a great pitcher, I will lose some OBP and TB's by getting rid of Escobar....the Rub is, he will be injured a goodly amount of time. That is really why I have Winn.

Keilty sure makes a great choice vs Lefty pitching, but there are only 3 LH Starters in my division and Kielty will lose some because of the BPHR, but where I would really lose would be on the Right side and that is where I would need to have more of the help.

So it is more of a break-even on the LH side, the RH side would be where I need to help myself out if I were to do this, and Davanon is injury prone too....Trot Nixon is there and is also injury prone???

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Postby visick » Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:55 pm

vs. RH's, I'd look at Mike Lamb or Rob Mackowiack. 30 hit chances vs. RH's.
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