Advice please for a 2007 team

Postby palacekillers » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:59 pm

Ok, Geekor - I've made the changes I am comfortable with. How do I set my pitching preferences now? Is Kuo supposed to be the setup man versus both sides, or do I use Bell and Wilson? I have Papelbon closing versus righties and Jenks versus lefties. Is that what you would recommend?

Also, my lineup goes Jeter, Scott, Helton, Rolen, and Hunter versus righties, and switch up Rolen and Hunter versus lefties. How does that sound?
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:00 pm

This is interesting feedback, I am learning by reading it. The one thing I am confused about is, what do I want from hitters in a pitcher's park? How important is my fielding in a pitcher's park, and why? And do I want one guy with a lot of natural homers, and the rest low or no BPHR, or do I need more power than that? How important is BA over walks in a pitchers park?
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Postby Jerlins » Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:14 pm

Why would you put Jenks as closer when Papelbon has far the best the better card vs lefties? Just because one card reads 4R and another 5L does not make Jenks the better pitcher vs LH's. Papelbon should be closer vs both, especially since they are both RH. Actually, I think Jenks is a waste and you would be better off with a more balanced RP for the same price.
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Postby geekor » Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:16 pm

I'm sure there are better RP's for cheap out there. I know I said specialist, but ones with lower whip. WHIP is what you need to sort by for a pithers park, less less OBA the better. Is Capellan or Capps available?
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:46 pm

PK, I'd put Papelbon as setup & closer both ways. He's definitely the best you got. Leave Kuo to be long relief and eat up innings. Switch Jenks out for a good R2. Jenks is a little one sided for my taste.

I'd be concerned with Bell/Vogelsong/Wilson. My experience is that Hal will give your R2's & R3's more innings and not use them as specialists.
Villone/McBride are good options vs L.

Angel, in pitchers parks looks for hitters with lots of doubles & triples, good OB & speed. Not so much for SB but going from 1st to 3rd. Also hitters where most of the OB is from hits, not walks.

Fielding is more critical in pitchers parks. Why, you're going to have lower scoring games and every hit counts. Add the range of your 2B, SS & CF and I wouldn't go over 6. Dislike 3's & 4's in the corner OF positions because they give up more extra base hits.
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Postby palacekillers » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:04 pm

Geekor, Capellan is available, Capps is gone. I guess I've always been confused as to what the 3L or 4R comes from, especially when the card might say 58% right hand batters and the player is a 7R. It's very confusing.

I dropped Jenks and Bell and added Capellan. I'll set Papelbon as setup and closer for both RHB and LHB. Any other suggestions? League starts Monday night.
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Postby palacekillers » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:16 pm

New update - Papelbon sets up and closes both ways. Relievers are now Kuo for either, Capellan and Tony Pena for righties, and Josh Hancock for lefties. I'm thinking of getting one more left handed specialist and calling it good, but is that really necessary at this point?
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:32 pm

I like the BP mix.

I'd leave Hancock going both ways, he's good enough.
Pena & Villone as specialists, Capellan both ways & mop up. Kuo & Hancock both ways, Hancock not before 7th.

Make sure Papelbon & Hancock are don't use in blowout.
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Postby The Turtle » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:52 pm

With 25 players i would probably drop Hancock outright to add to the .83 you already have and then drop Kuo for a 3 mill guy to set up both ways if there is anything decent available, I also might scrap Markaikas (sp?) for a Davanon/Cruz Platoon.
The Turtle
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Bench $'s

Postby LA Bear » Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:39 am

Why are you dropping so much coin on Loretta? I'd consider a downgrade here and a RP upgrade to someone like Joe Crain or and upgrade at Catcher. I always try to keep ny bench $'s to a minimum.

LA Bear
LA Bear
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