New team. Thoughts?

New team. Thoughts?

Postby JdEarly » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:42 pm

Have at it, guys. Let me know what you think about the roster in its current state, what sort of player you think might fit better, and whatnot. The other parks in the division are Wrigley, Fenway, and Dolphins Stadium. Hit me.
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Postby JdEarly » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:08 am

Thanks for the response. The starting rotation is 3/5 the same as a similar team I had, which won 97 games and earned a spot in the finals (lost in 6 games, beside the point). Instead of Chris Young and Joe Saunders, I had Ted Lilly and Gil Meche in their spots. In that respect, I'm thinking the starting rotation will hold itself together than my previous ballclub.

That other team also had Omar Vizquel instead of Adam Everett, Albert Pujols instead of Mark Teixeira, Travis Hafner instead of Matt Holiday, and Miguel Cabrera instead of David Wright. Those are places where I feel that I am worse off with the current squad than I was with my last team.

The improvements are as follows: Jorge Posada instead of Jason Kendall, Orlando Husdon instead of Marcus Giles, Reed Johnson instead of Ryan Freel (Freel swipes bags like nobodies business, but has a hard time getting on base for some reason), Dave Roberts/Chone Figgins instead of Andre Ethier, and the biggy, Vernon Wells instead of Chris Duffy.

Hopefully this pans out. I'll see what else is on the market to see if I can move Hector Carraso, but Scott Downs went 10-3 on that last team with an ERA just over 3. I might be kicking myself later, but I'm fairly comfortable with him.

Thanks again.
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Postby visick » Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:03 am

You've got a number of guys that are BP dependant, and are not ideal fits for your park.

Holliday (his 2B's will help though)

I think you would be better off with just 1 or 2 of these guys and the rest natural hitters or speed guys.
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:08 am

I have had Wells and wright do well there, but I would dump Tex as suggested above. Plenty of better like Helton, Overbay or Euke.
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:51 am

Keep Carrasco. He and Downs with their R3's will take the pressure off of your matchup guys. I have them both on [url=]a Cell team[/url] and Carrasco refuses to give up the pill.

Whenever I play in pitchers parks I see a # on a hitters card and run away screaming. With 2 other such parks in your division, I agree that more natural hits are required. Overbay, as mentioned, would be an improvement at 1B. Doubles [b:30130f0547]and[/b:30130f0547] some pop. You have only 3 LHP's in your division so his 3R would serve you better than Teixeira's 3L. Gload is there and he will hit singles all season long if you want to save some money

You could put Roberts in CF and go Wells >>>> Luke Scott in LF. Or Endy Chavez if you want the D. Diaz if you don't. Both are great values in your park. I would take Redmond or Martin (he'll run for you) before Posada.
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Postby JdEarly » Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:16 pm

Thanks again for the tips, guys. This team is shaping up a lot differently than I'd imagined it, but I can see how it might work. Hopefully the strong defense and solid OBP will be enough to get that pitching staff over the top. We'll see.
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:00 pm

I think you can do well with 11 arms I would personally use the downs money to either upgrade some other pitcher or some bat.

Nice team JD, good to see you around te boards again.

BTW, I noticed you didn;t sign up for LOTO, we'll miss you there, if you change your mind I think you still have until Friday. Hope to see you there, hope you're well, I am sure this team will do fine.

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