Mystery Mush II Signup...Full....Paging Charliewb

Mystery Mush II Signup...Full....Paging Charliewb

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:42 pm

Just to reiterate:

80M Advanced DH 5/10/20 FA Drop

In a nutshell.....

Everything is randomized from divisional assignments to teams assigned to you...and you will have the opportunity to choose 1 of 2 stadiums assigned to you.

Your team will either consist of 3 Hitting teams and 2 Pitching teams
or vice versa 3 Pitching teams and 2 hitting teams. All chosen by using randomizer.

We need 2 to fill the spots vacated after round 1.

Also....there is no gaurantee that you will be able to field a great team, but do not fret...the first round while seeming lopsided in some regards actually was contested by 10 out of the 12 teams till the final game.

First, the sign up sheet will be randomized (once full) to determine divisions and randomization order.

Next The hitting teams will be assigned via randomization. Each manager will have 2 teams assigned (leaving 6 undrafted)

Then Pitching will be randomized and assigned. Each Manager will have 2 teams assigned to them. (leaving 6 more undrafted teams)

Then a 4th randomization using the 12 undrafted (6 pitching and 6 hitting teams) and assigned. One to each manager. Thus giving each manager 2 Hitting teams (such as Houston, St. Louis) and 2 pitching teams (Red Sox, Yankees) and 1 either Hitting or Pitching team for them to field a team from.

Finally we will randomize the Stadiums and every manager will have to choose 1 of the 2 stadiums assigned to them prior to loading their teams.

I will try to find the original thread so we will have a list of stadiums and teams to make things easier.

If you have questions, feel free to post here. It is really alot easier than I can make it sound.
Last edited by BRADSANDBOTHE on Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:47 pm

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk
2. LM Bombers
3. Ehlekev
4. Frank M
5. Keyzick
6. Djl3737
7. akindian
8. doctrcpa
9. Bo Dean
10. Doc Tax
11. [b:503ec4df45]Needed[/b:503ec4df45]
12. [b:503ec4df45]Needed[/b:503ec4df45]
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:49 pm

Basically the half teams you get are completely random. You just have to make the best possible roster of players out of what you are dealt. It is a lot of fun using players that you ordinarily wouldn't use!

C'mon and sign up. We only need 2 managers to get started!
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:54 pm

Sounds like fun, I'll give it a try:

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk
2. LM Bombers
3. Ehlekev
4. Frank M
5. Keyzick
6. Djl3737
7. akindian
8. doctrcpa
9. Bo Dean
10. Doc Tax
11. charliewb
12. Needed

Is there some connection between round I and II?
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:58 pm

Charlie, good to have you.

No connections to first league other than it is a complete crap shoot.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:58 pm

Here are the teams 18 May 2007 14:35

1. Anaheim Angels (Angels Stadium)
2. Arizona Diamondbacks (Chase Field)
3. Atlanta Braves (Turner Field)
4. Baltimore Orioles (Camden Yards)
5. Boston Red Sox (Fenway Park)
6. Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
7. Chicago White Sox (US. Cellular)
8. Cincinnati Reds (Great American Ball Park)
9. Cleveland Indians (Jacobs Field)
10. Colorado Rockies (Coors Field)
11. Detroit Tigers (Comerica Park)
12. Florida Marlins (Dolphin Stadium)
13. Houston Astros (MM. Field)
14. Kansas City Royals (Kauffman Stadium)
15. Los Angeles Dodgers (Dodger Stadium)
16. Milwaukee Brewers (Miller Park)
17. Minnesota Twins (Metrodome)
18. New York Mets (Shea Stadium)
19. New York Yankees (Yankee Stadium)
20. Oakland A's (McAfee Stadium)
21. Philadelphia Phillies (Citizen's)
22. Pittsburgh Pirates (PNC)
23. San Diego Padres (Petco)
24. San Francisco Giants (AT&T)
25. Seattle Mariners (Safeco)
26. St. Louis Cardinals (Busch Stadium)
27. Tampa Bay Devil Rays (Tropicana Field)
28. Texas Rangers (Ameriquest)
29. Toronto Blue Jays (Rogers Centre)
30. Washington Nationals (RFK)
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Postby Rant » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:48 pm

I'm interested, but have some time constraints: I won't have access to the Internet from Wednesday 8/1 (midday) until 8/7 (morning). Let me know if you want to keep the slot open or if my schedule can work.

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk
2. LM Bombers
3. Ehlekev
4. Frank M
5. Keyzick
6. Djl3737
7. akindian
8. doctrcpa
9. Bo Dean
10. Doc Tax
11. charliewb
12. Rant
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Postby visick » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:54 pm

Hey guys...

I saw you still needed 1 more and said..."WTF, I'll do another one". Damn addictions suck. :mrgreen:

I then saw Rant signed up already, but has limited access to the internet.

Sooooo...If you guys wanna wait for him, no biggie.

If you wanna start right away, I'm available.

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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:09 pm

Lets go with visick. He was in Mush I. Lets get it going! :D
Posts: 55
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:15 pm

Visick was a Musher in League 1. Visick, Visick, Visick. I say go with the Bonecracker. :D Lets Rock-n-Roll!!!!! 8-)
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