by MICHAELTARBELL » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:41 am
Not sure why this has turned so nasty TM....I am sorry if i have upset you with my referral to Griffey as being on par with Bonds during the height of his career (even tho stats show he clearly was). Bonds hit the majority of his HRs after the age of 35. (253 I believe is the #) Which is staggering, and at the same time is the reason so much question has been raised about how he went about it of course.
What I should have said is Griffey is in Mays league (as an all around player during the height of his career), not the other way around...I apologize.
Bonds broke the record, so congrats. Until someone can prove he cheated, he is the undisputed HR king. I have said it before, and will say it again, even before his alleged steroid use, he was a sure fire HOF. It is a shame that so much talented is wrapped up into such a pompous, arrogant human being. I think that we like our sports hero's great AND humble. He certainly is the former, and certainly not the latter. But love him or hate him, he was and remains an immense talent, perhaps the most talented hitter the game has ever seen.
So Congrats on your hero's accomplishment TM..... :)