Help with a Fenway team

Help with a Fenway team

Postby palacekillers » Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:17 pm

I'm trying to master Fenway park, but it is a painful process. :)

I want to drop Rolen badly. Already 10 games missed and now with another 8 game injury. I was thinking about Zimmerman, but I don't know how that will work at Fenway.

Also, what do you guys think about me adding Chris Duncan at 1B in place of Helton (who I was told would rock at Fenway.....not happening). I would use J. Cruz (platooning in RF) as a sub versus left handed pitching in that case.

I really want some feedback on the pros on these two things, but additional comments are also welcome. Thanks in advance for the help.
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Postby jodynadu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:05 am

you have splits of 17-10 at home (Fenway) and 7-11 on the road after 45 games in.
Doesn't look like winning at Fenway is the problem.
Helton had similar #s for me on a Fenway team that won 95 games. He still gives you alot more than Duncan will at 1B.
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Postby palacekillers » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:24 am

Right on. I'm just always trying to perfect things. Helton and Jeter are largely disappointing so far, but we are only a quarter of the way through the season so we'll see what happens.

I'm still shaky on Rolen though. Any ideas there?
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Postby geekor » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:44 am

I like Rolen a lot assuming you don't face a lot of lefties. I've said from the beginning I think Helton is way overpriced, I don't like him anywhere for 6 mil, 4.5 or 5 mil maybe, but not for 6.

I think Duncan is keen, but not ANYWHERE in the field, as he is bad everywhere.

Personally, I can't give you muh advice, as I'm not good at the few studs and a bunch of cheapies approach on offense. I'm the kind of guy who runs 1 stud and a bunch of 4-6 mil guys to have balance (preferably).

question, where are you batting Helton? vs L he has good hits and OB, but no power and high dp's. vs R he has low hits but has a couple of Hr's (really I rate him as a 1 or 2 L not E).
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Postby Palmtana » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:52 am

You are in first place a quarter of the way through the season with a .232 BA and a .315 OBP. HAL has chosen this team to toy with. Don't blink. Stay strong. I think you are winning the battle. Tori Hunter no longer has the highest BA on the team. That's a good sign.

Since you can't show any weakness you must keep Rolen. The only free agent you can afford that I would consider for your park would be Lowell. Vs. RHP, he and Rolen have the same number of hits. Lowell has slightly more OB while Rolen has more TB's. Vs. LHP Rolen holds his own better than Lowell. Rolen has 1 more double vs RHP (12.6-11.6) and 2 more vs. LHP.

Since you only see 4 LHP's in your division, Scott will come out swinging after his hiatus. I had him on [url=]a team[/url] where he did very well.
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Postby palacekillers » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:30 pm

Geekor - I currently have Helton batting third, though I think the evidence is overwhelming to move him elsewhere. I have a hard time with that when he is one of my highest paid players, but the numbers speak for themselves.

Palmtana - thanks for the encouragement. I also find it interesting that with my poor average I have found my way into first place. Maybe I should just try and find a better back up to Rolen and let the dice fall where they will.
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Postby mbrake » Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:15 pm

Here's a Fenway team that beat me in the Finals:
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Postby Roscodog » Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:36 pm

keep your team together, be patient.
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Fenway Team

Postby kab105 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:55 pm

Here is my Fenway team. Won 90 games, lost in playoffs 3 games to two.
By the way I had Helton batting third all season.
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Postby palacekillers » Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:35 pm

Nice....thanks for posting those teams guys. Fenway is not a park that I get a lot of feedback on like that.
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