Halfway through a season at Fenway

Halfway through a season at Fenway

Postby palacekillers » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:12 am

I'm 41-40 with this team at Fenway park in 2007 Strat.


Now that my batting average is starting to come up my ERA is falling and I'm in second place in my division. The advice I was given early in the year was to stick it out with the team as-is. The dice were not coming out in my favor and I had a very poor start. However, I'm only 4 games out of first now and have half a season to get back up there.

I would appreciate any feedback. I'd like to make the playoffs for the first time!!
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Postby visick » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:44 am

The critical part of your season is soon approaching.

By that, I am referring to the last 2 weeks where you are going to be playing your division rivals again.

Go back to the 1st. 2 weeks in your season. Take a look at the scores and see who you faced. Figure out the breakdown of pitchers, R/L and hitters for each team.

Did you face ALOT of RH's in those 2 weeks?
Or LH's?
Did your staff pitch to too many lefty bats? Righty bats?

Re-evaluate your team based upon these #'s.

You may need to drop a struggling player for a guy that hits RH's or LH's better.
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Postby visick » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:45 am

FWIW- I would try to funnel more innings to Papelbon. I want my best RP getting the innings NOT a sub $2 million guy.
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Postby palacekillers » Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:50 am

I agree about funneling more into Papelbon. The question I have is - how do I do it? I have him set as the closer and setup man against both righties and lefties. Is there anything else?
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Postby keyzick » Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:32 am

That's the most insane amount of triples I've ever seen for one team...and you're only half-way through!! :shock: :shock: [b:5e917ae3ff]{EDIT: Oops...just realized when I pulled up your team the column headings were off...so your doubles total looked like your triples column... :oops: }[/b:5e917ae3ff]

If you set an RP at both closer and setup, the game only picks one to the exclusion of the other. Leaving Papelbon as closer only will ensure he's the main man to end those close games.

Good luck the rest of the way with all those 3-baggers!! :D
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Postby durantjerry » Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:41 am

One thing I would do if possible is dump 2b for Polanco. Polanco can do what you are currently getting out of 2b, with a few more injuries of course, but he's easy enough to back up. I would then upgrade Morris, as there are quite a few $3.0 SP's capable of having really good years in Fenway. Guys like Peavey, Santana or even Bonderman.
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