... I've thought about this for a couple of days ... and I've decided that I strongly dislike the new message board format. Perhaps it is because I was lucky enough to have only rare difficulty with the InfoPop Forums.
Anyways I do not have the interest, energy or patience to get accustomed to these new forums. Maybe I'm not in the mood to be a sheep any more and be happy with what TSN gives us. However considering I've always been pretty satisfied with the level of Customer Service I've gotten personally from TSN, I doubt that is it.
Rather, times change, and I no longer wish to dedicate too much time or effort into SOM. And having to deal with this transition to the new forums is exactly that. It is too much of a headache for me to deal with, considering the # of keeper & theme leagues I like to run, especially since TSN won't be transferring the posts from the old forums to these new forums.
Unfortunately this means that I will, soon enough, have to back out of multiple commitments that I've made. So long as the old forums continue to function I will run the following leagues:
FRKL - 2005
Team Based Theme Keeper - 200x
The Naturals - ATG II
Exploring ATG Throughout the Ages - ATG II
However I will NOT be transferring these leagues to the new forums. If owners of these leagues wish to continue the leagues, they can do so on these forums without my presence, or I can set up a Yahoo group for each league and run them there. That will be for the owners of each league to decide.
As for the SOM Tour, so long as an owner is willing to give me a headsup via e-mail as to when the next Event is to occur, I will do my utmost to fulfill my Tour commitment.
Anyways this will be my last post on these new forums, unless absolutely necessary. I will almost never check in here. I will continue to play in autodraft leagues when I so desire. I apologize if this looks like I am wanting for attention or something along those lines. I am not intending such. Merely, I felt, it was necessary, due to the commitments I made before this "new forums" appeared, to give those owners a fair warning.
After the old forums are shut down - if you wish to reach me - you may do so at arryl@hotmail.com - otherwise I wish you all the best.