by qksilver69 » Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:35 am
Early returns on Laird/Mauer, with Mauer already having been hurt some....
Laird is no worse than any other lefty-killer $.50 player. It's all about how you invest the $$. If he sees 100 ABs vs RH in a year, is it worth it to sacrifice 50% productivity vs. a better backup like Pratt, so getting bad ABs in 50 ABs per year? Hell yeah, IMHO, because you probably guarantee 50 more ABs from Mauer vs RH than you would have gotten otherwise....
Above plan is doable Aray, but I wouldn't use Sierra. Shea is still BP HR 12 to LH hitters, which is not a ton. Coors would be different. I'd look for someone with a bit more in the way of hits.