200MM FUN Chat

Postby unesid » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:23 pm


Let me apologize ahead of time for the fact that I might be slowing things down. We had a relative killed in a military airplane crash off the coast of the Carolinas last Saturday, and the service is tomorrow. I'm heading out of town this evening, to return early Sunday.

Obviously, an unexpected occurence. I'd appreciate your understanding.

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Postby nevdully's » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:29 pm

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Postby nevdully's » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:33 pm

Thank you sir. :) :) :) :)
Last edited by nevdully's on Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ratioman2 » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:33 pm

Sorry for the loss unesid

drop approved
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Postby nevdully's » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:35 pm

[size=24:fb6cbdf493]THANK YOU :) [/size:fb6cbdf493]
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Postby nevdully's » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:55 pm

Sometimes numbers can paint a very inaccurate picture....Throw out my one pick which took about 5 hours and my average time changes quite a bit.
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Postby Proverbial Psalms » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:55 pm


Let me apologize ahead of time for the fact that I might be slowing things down. We had a relative killed in a military airplane crash off the coast of the Carolinas last Saturday, and the service is tomorrow. I'm heading out of town this evening, to return early Sunday....[/quote:4638cf9fd4]
unesid... I'm truly sorry about the loss in the family. Those types of things definitely fall into the "we understand" category of life events, unfortunately.

A couple of thoughts... if you're proxy-capable, you may just want to load up a list of about 40 players... we won't be entering teams for the most part until after the weekend likely (cause danielz is out of town), and any voids your team would have with the last 5-6 rounds proxied could be fixed after the league drafts in pre-season.

Also, I'd be happy to help out with proxies and/or if you just wanted to leave me some basic instructions on how you'd like to draft in your absence (e.g. get me the best power LF'er available in round 19, the highest priced SP left in round 20, and so on)... or maybe Frank Bailey would be kind enough to pick for you too (he's picking for danielz now)- he'd be more objective cause he won't be in the league- I don't want to speak for him, but it's just another idea. Again, I'd be willing to help too.

Last edited by Proverbial Psalms on Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Proverbial Psalms
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Postby unesid » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:59 pm

Thanks, Ratioman.

He was a member of my wife's extended family.

Guys - if you are destined to get loaded for a Monday start, you can find a replacement to take my team, if you wish.

I feel badly about potentially holding things up, but obviously this is a situation well beyond my control.

Input from the group would be appreciated.

I'm heading out around 4:30 ET.
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Postby Proverbial Psalms » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:05 pm

[quote:35d6405c86="nevdully's"]Sometimes numbers can paint a very inaccurate picture....Throw out my one pick which took about 5 hours and my average time changes quite a bit.[/quote:35d6405c86]
Numbers, inaccurate picture??... what!!??

Just kidding... in my analogy, numbers are simply "the paints"... it takes the artist to use them to develop the overall "portrait"... the better the paints (i.e. the ability to get at numbers), the wider the range of "pictures" that can be painted, but alas, it is in the final sense still the interpretation of the artist, whether true/objective or not that flows through into the final portrait.

Having said that... I think it's fair to reduce the 4 hour, 8 minute wait for nev the other day to 2:00 hours flat... after that it was more the generous extra wait of the league that added the extra time... if so, here are the numbers...

hh:mm:ss -- Manager
0:47:20 --- HESMEAT
0:30:11 --- GKHD11A
0:27:39 --- NEVDULLY
0:26:19 --- LDANRED
0:14:31 --- WJANSSEN
0:13:21 --- DANIELZ
0:12:44 --- ROB94509
0:10:55 --- UNESID
0:08:20 --- COFFEEHOLIC
0:06:46 --- RATIOMAN
0:02:43 --- BUDO73

But... anticipating that Nev might still like to have the ENTIRE 4 hours and 8 minutes removed from the metric, then here is the result:

hh:mm:ss -- Manager
0:47:20 --- HESMEAT
0:30:11 --- GKHD11A
0:27:39 --- NEVDULLY
0:26:19 --- LDANRED
0:20:33 --- NEVDULLY
0:14:31 --- WJANSSEN
0:13:21 --- DANIELZ
0:12:44 --- ROB94509
0:10:55 --- UNESID
0:08:20 --- COFFEEHOLIC
0:06:46 --- RATIOMAN
0:02:43 --- BUDO73
Proverbial Psalms
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Postby ratioman2 » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:15 pm

My take:

I think that we are definitely far enough along to continue the draft as is. So the clock still holds, skipping allowed [post two hours], until midnight tonight. After midnight, no clock until Monday 10 am est, so no skipping.

For those who don't know, when someone uses all their time, the draft does not resume until a manual pick is made. The site will not make a proxy pick after someone misses their time slot.
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