for my final two teams to end their seasons so I can finally get away from this aggrievation. Even if these teams earn credits I wont be using them. They say this "game" is different from the board game, do ya THINK? There are less holes in swiss cheese. I cant believe that I have wasted so much time and money with this seriously compromised "game".
"Improvements" in this game arent having live SIM as other sites have or staggering the games so we can make individual game strategies(not that it would matter with HALs sense of humor) or playing the games BEFORE midnight(whoever thought of this was brain dead). After midnight is the only time these games can be played? Instead of REAL improvements pertaining to game time or improved manager strategies(or even heeding what we set for strategies) we get games being played "faster" so instead of having to wait until 12:40 to get the scores we get them at 12:30. Impressive. We get better stats like head to head BUT when the regular season is over, just when you need the stats for the playoffs, the head to head disappears and isnt available at THE ONLY TIME YOU NEED IT. Great improvement. We are told that the "game backup" has been "improved" so there wont be any crashes". HUH? Thats an improvement? Thats like going to a restaurant and the waiter telling the table that the building was just reroofed so we dont have to worry about the building falling on top of us. Something that should just go without saying. Managers shouldnt have to worry about stuff like that and it certainly shouldnt be passed off as an improvement. My $25 has already paid for that. The draw to this game is very similar to dog racing. Both places know that they dont have to do anything special, improve the product, to draw the diehards and just keep chugging along with an inferior product because people will play no matter what. We keep waiting for some real improvements to the way the games are being played and the best we can get is they are played faster. WHO CARES???? One of the lamest "improvements" of anything Ive ever seen.
Whoever is keeping this game in the dark ages is really doing a good job. Whether its wrong or not I dont care, I have no problem sharing my feelings especially with the newer players who I have told to run as fast as they can before they have, as I have, wasted hundreds if not thousands to find out how extremely lacking this "game" is. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. It has to do with being given a good product for a good price. We expect more consistency and realism and instead of improving that we get games played "faster". WOW. This game is for the birds and my recommendation is to spend your money on somethin your gonna get some value for your $25. Having a choice between spending $25 on this or $15 to get hit with a hammer it would be a tough decision. It would all depend on the size of the hammer.