2005 ATG Barnstormers Tour Finals

Postby aceventura55369 » Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:32 pm


I understand your frustration but, he has made some picks which tells me wants to participate. The only way I would replace him is if it became apparent that he has no intention of participating.

As for the draft, I think its a good idea to can contact Steve Ames & let him take over drafting the team, but if sgl245 decides to play then I would say it is still his team. Of course if he does not indicate that he will participate then Steve Ames can just play it out for him.

What a mess, I wasn't expecting this to happen in the Finals!!! I would have have thought everyone would be very interested in this draft. :roll:
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Postby boss_of_um » Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:55 pm

I have a question about this round. I read the rules and could not find the answer. Can we use a ballpark we used in one of the first 4 rounds? I know we could not repeat any during those rounds, but what about this one?
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Postby MARKHUARD » Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:47 pm

V. Stadium requirement

To add spice to this year’s event, managers will be required to play in different stadiums during the qualifying events. In the championship round you may select any stadium provided someone else in the draft has not already taken it.
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Postby Treyomo » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:53 pm

Not sure about my team...not sure about it at all....
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Postby MARKHUARD » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:59 am

Steve has picked once in the last 8 days. Sheesh. :roll:
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Postby errormagnate » Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:35 am

if you want me to take over for sgl, I will just have limited access to these boards away from work
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Postby MARKHUARD » Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:53 am

Steve (errormagnate):

In the last 9 days, we have seen sgl only once - on Sunday the 11th for six make-up picks. That's it. One sgl sighting in 9 days.

We are now in Day 17 and still haven't finished this draft. At this point, sgl has three make-up picks plus his ballpark to select. If Ace were to tab you now, it would be to take over the team, finish off the picks and get a team ready to enter into the league so we might actually have waivers and start play. Maybe even this year. :roll:

As the Commish, Ace has ruled that we will wait and that sgl should not forfeit his spot out of fairness. After all, he earned it. You might continue to check these boards over the next few days, if you can, just in case sgl fails to appear and your participation becomes a necessity.
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Postby aceventura55369 » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:21 pm

If Steve (errormagnate) wants to take over for sgl245 that would be fine and the team will be his. This league has allowed for more than enough time for sgl245 to set some proxies, ask for some assistance if something is going on that will keep him from being available, at some point you just have to move on. My only question is how can he (errormagnate) access the draft on Penn's site since he is not set up in the draft. I'll try contacting Penn to see if we can make this happen. If someone is in a league with erromagnate send him a league mail regarding this, he doesn't get to these boards very often.
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Postby DAVIDHALL » Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:52 pm

I just sent Steve(errormagnate) a league mail. Maybe we can finally get this thing moving again.
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Postby errormagnate » Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:00 pm

I can't get to these boards easily but if you want me to do this I am okay with it, I would need to know what his team was and be signed on to the league on Penn's site ( iam already registered there just not on this league- let me know in any of my many league mails and I will get on with this, if you wish me to do so.

I am concerned for Stephen Lee- this is not like him he has always been a very conscientious player and I am concerned something ill has befallen him.

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