General Managers Keeper League

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:52 am

[quote:54933b4183="sandlotshrink"]And Bill, I apologize for getting you riled up.

I finally have a few days home and am "in" to this now, and it just felt like momentum hit the skids.

Now, Chuck won't be able to pick until 6-6:30 PM EST, so we may only get a few picks done today.

I can appreciate that you really wanted Beltran, but appreciate how some of us felt as well.[/quote:54933b4183]

As I stated I do appreciate it, God knows I've been left waiting in other drafts by people who don't leave proxys and just at the last minute make their pick. As qk stated the deal was done still in the clock parameters, so I didn't apprecialt the snarky remark from akindian about "waiting a whole day to decide on a trade" like I was just sitting here with my head in the clouds.

As I said I made my counter offer at 11:30 last night, all I needed to procedd from AFD was a yea or nay as it was a final offer.

And while I appreciate what qk posted about not wanting to leave proxies, I think if your pick is within one or two you should be able to leave 3 or 4 names in a proxy list.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:54 am

i hate being #12 in a serpentine draft! :evil:

where are we on the prospect draft order????

did i only see two votes in??

i vote to me being number 1 so same as stadium draft.... (nothing like blatant self interest! :roll: )
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:55 am

i am all proxied up. I will be golfing when C2 checks back.
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Postby cirills » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:55 am

Are we voting on Prospect Draft order?

[quote:f33d87e407]I will be golfing when C2 checks back. [/quote:f33d87e407]

It seems like you are ALWAYS golfing! :shock: :evil:

It's pooring here! :cry:
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:57 am

I would like to amend my vote on that. I would like to vote for tying the results of the prospect draft to the results of our first season. If not that then use the randomizer again.
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:57 am

it has rained here one time in the last two months. we are actually in a bad drought.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:00 am

please accept my apologies then niner.

i just recently got out of the NL only draft that took FOREVER so am a bit testy on this topic.

i took my serontin uptake enhancer and am now calm and cool... 8-)
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Postby Ninersphan » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:00 am

You better get rid of theat rain by November Sandy, looks like my family is doing the Disney thing from the 8th to the 14th or there abouts.

We're suprising my daughters and telling pulling them out of school telling them they have a detist appoinment and then driving them to the airport.

Should be a blast. Don't know if I'll have time to hook up with you if you're avaialable, but I'll let you know.
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Postby cirills » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:04 am


I'll be home until I have to "drive" to West Palm Beach on the 12th! :D

Who knows, maybe MY family will be ready for a Disney trip around then! ;)
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:06 am

We can vote on the prospect draft while we are waiting for C2 -

[b:fecbddc83f]Proposal 1[/b:fecbddc83f]: We have the prospect draft after our first season, and final regular season records determine draft position - worst goes first.

[b:fecbddc83f]Proposal 2[/b:fecbddc83f]: We have the prospect draft while playing our first season, and run the randomizer to get draft order.

[b:fecbddc83f]Proposal 3[/b:fecbddc83f]: We have the prospect draft while playing our first season, and the order of the stadium draft determines the order of the prospect draft.

Please indicate your preference - majority rules. In case of tie (there better not be - I'm not in the mood) I'll let my dog decide...
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