200M + 2 Teams Theme League Y2

200M + 2 Teams Theme League Y2

Postby Rant » Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:59 am

We had a group for last year for a 200M + 2 Team theme league set up by rgimbel. Any interest from the group for a year two? Priority to returning owners (I suggest new teams, same league format), after that we'll open up to all.

From Last Year:

This one should feel more like real baseball.

Here is the premise
lotto for two round serpentine two team draft after you get your two teams I will add up total rosters between the the two. Starting with the team with the lowest total roster we will have one round draft from the remaining 6 unpicked teams. Than I will re add and we will have another one round draft lowest salary to highest again. These two players will be like the old bonus babies they must stay on your roster all season you have the option of passing during draft.

There are unlimited add drops however.

1. you must keep 25 players on your roster at all times unless you have an injury of more than 3 games than you can add from the free agent list.
only the players from your two teams are available to add. If you drop a player from your roster he is now available to everyone else but you for a period of 3 days or 9 games if noone picks him up in that time period he than becomes your exclusive property again.

2. all players are available to trade. Trades must be within 2.5 million in salary. you can make an uneven(3 for 2 for example) trade but must add drop to get your roster back to 25

You must use one of your two parks and pick a name that is a combination of the two teams.

200m when you sign up vote whether you want dh or not waivers but it really doesnt matter.

1. ehlekev
4. rgimbel
6. Arrylt-
8. Irish Joe-
9. Bodean-
10. Pelzer-
11. Rant-
12. Chocolates

Last edited by Rant on Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:16 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby IrishJoe » Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:55 am

I'll go at it again!

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Postby doctrcpa » Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:09 am

1. ehlekev
3.doctrcpa - YES DH
4. rgimbel
6. Arrylt-
8. Irish Joe- YES
9. Bodean-
10. Pelzer-
11. Rant- YES
12. Chocolates

I was just thinking about this league and am glad to see it is starting up again!

WE probably want to set the league up as frenzy to give people the chance to adjust their rosters immediately after the draft.
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ok rant but you are commish

Postby rgimbel » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:47 am

1. ehlekev
3.doctrcpa - YES DH
4. rgimbel -yes dh
6. Arrylt-
8. Irish Joe- YES
9. Bodean-
10. Pelzer-
11. Rant- YES
12. Chocolates

I am less active this year and might be a little slow checking in but would love to do it.
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Re: ok rant but you are commish

Postby Rant » Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:59 pm


I am less active this year and might be a little slow checking in but would love to do it.[/quote:902f3b1baf]

I'll commish, so long as someone checks my math again :wink:

Four down, eight to go. Just to mention ... I'm assuming the same rules that we wound up with last year (DH, frenzy, division by final possible salary, etc.), just got lazy in posting the final rules.
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:59 pm

I'd like to add when you open things up. :D
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Postby bbasebrawl » Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:08 am

I would like to join if any openings become available
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Postby Rant » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:30 am

duly noted, bbasebrawl and litangel...we're pretty thin as of yet, so definitely a possibility.
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Postby doctrcpa » Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:38 am

Just checking to see if anything is happening here. Does it make sense to page the other players from last year's league to see if they are coming back?
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Postby Cubs48 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:41 pm

1. ehlekev
3.doctrcpa - YES DH
4. rgimbel -yes dh
6. Arrylt-
8. Irish Joe- YES
9. Bodean-
10. Pelzer-
11. Rant- YES
12. Chocolates

Alternates... :)

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