Prioritizing your draft

Prioritizing your draft

Postby Eddie E » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:13 am

Question: How does TSN run the draft? I was under the impression that if you selected a player as your first pick and he was taken that you would get the next most expensive player at that position.

Here is what happened to me:

I listed Albert Pujols as my first pick. He is a first baseman. I did not get him but instead got James Loney @ 6.96 mil. Another team in my league got two first basemen (Nick Johnson and David Ortiz) priced over 8 mil each. How is that possible? Did TSN change the way they run the draft?

I am not griping but would like to know how the draft is done since that makes a difference in how you set up the drafting order.
Eddie E
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Postby ironwill1 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:15 am

You get the next highest player at that position (their primary position) that was not on anyone else's draft card.
Hope it helps.

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Postby Eddie E » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:59 am

So what you are saying is that any team could conceivably have the 6 best defensive shortstops on their card at the bottom 6 spots and no one can have them? Doesnt make sense.

Here's an example of how I understand what you are saying:

I list the top 6 defensive SS at my bottom six spots. Team 2 in the drafting order selects one of them. Team 3 had that same guy as his first choice. Since he has been drafted by Team 2 he also can not have any of the other 5 mentioned since they are on my draft card. I cant see how that would be fair.
Eddie E
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Postby Eddie E » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:59 am

Ignore defensive SS, just replace my previous post with 6 highest priced SS and use same example
Eddie E
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:44 am

Your example of the highest priced is correct as long as no one else had them on their draft card.

May not seem fair but it really hurts the person who would list all those on their draft card. Can't see them having much of a team if they wasted wo many draft slots for players they can't use.
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Postby Eddie E » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:57 am

That amazes me. I have been playing this game for many years and never realized that listing a guy on your draft card blocked other people from getting him even when you dont end up getting that same player either.

I always assumed that you got the next available undrafted player at that position. Learn something new every day.
Eddie E
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:08 pm

You just said two different things.

[quote:8bb6fccb25]That amazes me. I have been playing this game for many years and never realized that listing a guy on your draft card blocked other people from getting him even when you dont end up getting that same player either. [/quote:8bb6fccb25]

If you have a player on your card either you get them or someone else gets them. You don't "block" them.

[quote:8bb6fccb25]I always assumed that you got the next available undrafted player at that position. Learn something new every day.[/quote:8bb6fccb25]

This is correct. Key word is "undrafted".

Going back to your original example:

You had Pujols and lost him in a tie. The next "undrafted" 1B was Loney so you got him. You wouldn't have gotten Johnson or Ortiz because they were on someone else's card regardless of if they were their 1st pick or last pick.

I hope I'm explaining this so it makes sense.
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Postby Eddie E » Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:20 pm

Stoney, thanks for the explanation. In this case, I missed out on the 11 firstbasemen after Pujols (even though he was my 1st rd choice) because other teams had those 11 guys on their draft cards as late as the 25th rd.

That is what I learned. I didnt realize that by listing a guy on your draft list even late in the draft prevented others from getting him as an alternative to their original choice. I understand that if they have that player on their draft card they will get him.
Eddie E
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Postby geekor » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:18 pm

that's why a lot of times I will draft someone like Howard last if I'm not gonna put them first. If i miss them no biggie, it was a last pick, but if no one draft him he's mine for basically free.
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:06 pm

Good point geekor. I have a draft tonight in which I listed Jeter 18th. I kind of wanted him (for his D and leadoff) and kind of didn't (I've had him on my last 2 teams). If someone else wants him chances are very good they won't put him at 19. I should have just stuck him at 25.
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