by johnlaw1564 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:48 am
Welcome Ninersphan, thanks for filling the league. I am very busy the next couple of days. Can someone set up the draft on site? Remember, serpentine style for 8 rounds and you can pick your stadium in any round. We won't be in a huge rush, but please set your proxies if you will gone for long. I have started an individual league chat thread for league news. I plan to do a "Nightly Highlightly" post during the season. Thanks and good luck to all!
1/24/25/48/49/72/73/96 - jehale
2/23/26/47/50/71/74/95 - djl3737
3/22/27/46/51/70/75/94 - blackloudvan
4/21/28/45/52/69/76/93 - Jack
5/20/29/44/53/68/77/92 - Terry101
6/19/30/43/54/67/78/91 - Ninersphan
7/18/31/42/55/66/79/90 - Qksilver
8/17/32/41/56/65/80/89 - genevajack
9/16/33/40/57/64/81/88 - ironwill1
10/15/34/39/58/63/82/87 - ArrylT
11/14/35/38/59/62/83/86 - J Law
12/13/36/37/60/61/84/85 - Toriihunter