As I mentioned at the top of my accompanying "What's to come" post: now that I've built support for the 26-team, 4-division, 2-league format of the Major Leagues of 1986, we technically have the support for any arbitrary league format. This could be a slippery slope - in the past our attempts at offering more rules choices have resulted in spreading the manager-base too thin - but I wanted to gauge the interest in an optional alternate scheme to the current 12-team format - most likely a 30-team league similar to the current structure of the Majors.
- Would you welcome the new format as an option, in addition to the default 12-team league? Which do you think you would play more if both were available?
- Would you prefer an exact parallel of the current MLB format (30 teams, but asymmetrically 14 in the AL + 16 in the NL), or a more symmetrical one (5-5-5, 5-5-5)?
- Or would you prefer an alternate format other than 30 teams?
Thanks in advance for your input.