Standings Update - Round 6 Complete!!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Standings Update - Round 6 Complete!!

Postby teepack » Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:42 pm

Ksher claimed the Round 6, League 5 World Series last night to finish up that round and send us heading for the home stretch. Most of the rounds in League 7 will be finishing up next week, so I will try to get a look at those leagues up shortly. In the meantime, here are the standings through the end of Round 6. An * by a manager's name indicates he has a team in Round 7. As always, the second column indicates number of teams the manager has played, and the final column is the average:

Woods007* 4 110.3
marcuswilby* 6 108.8
cristano1* 4 108.8
etdefender 6 108.5
UTBill* 4 105.8
kaviksdad* 6 102.2
uncle ny 6 101.7
mesquiton 5 101.6
J-Pav* 6 101.0
Riggodrill* 5 99.6
Coffeeholic* 6 99.0
spicki17* 5 98.6
BigAlric* 6 98.3
dneedle* 6 98.0
bigmahon 6 97.8
Detroit Tigers* 4 97.8
giddyup81* 6 97.3
Cubs48* 4 97.0
Great Unwashed 6 97.0
Zimharry 5 96.2
Jeep* 6 94.8
pacoboy* 6 94.7
Rigged Splits* 6 94.0
Mulls 4 94.0
Rob94509 6 92.7
Hendrix08* 6 92.3
Chuckul* 4 91.8
tycobb 4 91.8
Arryl T* 6 91.7
bob711* 6 91.5
ksher58 6 90.7
Pope Mollusk VI* 6 90.5
Novie 5 90.2
freakfrosh182* 4 89.8
Abner Doubleday 5 89.6
Korkie* 5 89.4
vol fan 6 89.0
Penngray* 6 88.8
Mav* 6 88.8
Qksilver* 5 88.6
Alphonso 5 88.2
Durantjerry 4 88.0
jaydingess 5 87.8
toshiro 5 87.8
Charlie M2 4 87.5
PML97* 5 87.4
Mr. Baseball World* 4 87.3
colorado99 * 6 86.8
nythawk* 6 86.7
Sykes25* 6 85.8
T. Richardson* 6 85.8
Stoney18* 4 85.8
rudydelta369 5 85.0
fowldawg 5 85.0
Bbrool 6 84.8
superflymacdaddy* 6 84.7
Brad0007* 6 84.0
moodywoody* 4 83.8
JaserD 5 83.0
Jack* 6 82.7
sandlotshrink* 6 82.3
Woody5* 6 82.2
Jamie399* 6 82.0
wockenfuss* 6 81.8
Teepack* 6 81.5
Ranger 5 80.8
errormagnate* 6 79.8
tersignf 5 79.2
DJ Trickster 4 78.0
Ineluki* 6 77.8
t-bones06 4 77.8
Johnny Cocoabutter 5 77.6
Edgecitytx* 6 77.5
charlie 5 77.0
College Kid 5 76.6
Bobm1007 4 76.3
Cubit 6 73.5
WARRIOR* 6 71.5
Last edited by teepack on Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby teepack » Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:54 pm

If somebody can figure out how to make those tings lineup, please do so. I give up.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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