Adam Dunn?

Adam Dunn?

Postby Solo07 » Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:47 pm

Is Adam Dunn 2nd to none or does he stink in 07 game? Have many people used him? Co his OBP and HR totals outweigh the poor BA and defense? I currently have a pitching, speed and OBP-oriented team playing in AT&T, which is not the ideal park for him, but there are several hitters parks in the league, including Wrigley and US Cell in my division. My team is currently last in HRs, although we rank pretty high in BA and OBP. I'm wondering if I need some more power and if Dunn might be worth it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences. Thanks.
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Postby chasenally » Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:29 pm

If you need to get a better 1B to replace one that has no power maybe. If you need a LF to give up hits for his walks then no. He has some walks with alot of SO with bad range and no arm. The rest of your team would have to be seen to make a bettter call. He is not going to hit bigtime HR's for you to cancle out the hits and extra bases he will give up from LF with his defense. Has your CF got a cannon for a arm and 1 range to make up for him? I am assuming that you have a better 1B.
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Postby Solo07 » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:49 am

Thanks - yeah I'd use him as either a dh or lf.
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Postby DHowser » Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:44 am

I used him in a pitchers park once at 1B and he was great. Avg. was only .230, but he hit 40 dingers (which was double my next best), and his OBP was .360. I definitely got my $$s worth from him.
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Postby Jerlins » Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:52 am

I'd be more inclined to play him in a hitters park than a pitchers park, where hits are more important than walks. That said, I haven't used him at all in the 07 set. Last year though, he was a god (or maybe it was 2 years ago, my memory has faded).
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Postby teamnasty » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:25 pm

Dunn's an excellent buy in a homer park; diamonds galore on both sides, raw homers, his poor defense well hidden in lf, and he backs up at first. The key is he only costs like 3 mil. For the money that power/walk production in a power park is very big, and yes he's succeeded for me.
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Postby teamnasty » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:28 pm

.366/.562 (47 bombs) in Philly at 2.91 mil to be exact. It's not bragging cuz my team was mediocre, but Dunn definitely wasn't the problem.
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Postby Solo07 » Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:31 pm

Thanks everyone. I guess the question is now whether a down-grade at another position is worth the potential additional power and OBP. I'd likely have to make one of the following concessions:

1. Dropping either Shane Victorino (Dunn moving to LF) or Brandon Phillips (Dunn moving to DH and a moving a 3-range player to 2B. Victorino and Phillips have posted similar #s so far - .264 BA. .320-.330 OBP, and SLG of around .410 to .420 - both w/ good doubles power and speed.

2. Drop Ben Sheets for a guy like Wakefield

3. Drop Putz for someone like Todd Jones or Dan Wheeler to close

Does that change people's view on Dunn.?
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Postby Palmtana » Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:32 pm

Your proposed moves really depend on the rest of your team. How is your D at SS and CF. Can you afford a 3 at 2nd? Sheets and Putz are stellar. Their What is the rest of your staff like? HR totals will suffer at AT&T but doubles can carry the day. How is your SLG?

Why don't you post a link to your team. Go to your leagues statistics page, click on your team and paste the URL here. The URL will end with an ID number.
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