Whew! Glad I went Cintron lower down, and axed Eckstein. Just for interest, my top picks are: Jenks, Hudson, Guiel, Griffey, Penny, Morris, in that order.
LOL---I had eckstein in the top 10 and Jack Wilson right ahead of him in hopes of landing one or the other....I had almost all of my pitchers at the bottom of my draft list...I figure all of these pitchers will suck so I wanted offense....and some decent defensive players...I don't want to go into a league like this with weak pitching and 4's in the OF so I went for Trot Nixon--Chris Duffy--Chone Figgins in my top 5 with Podsednik-(DH) and Varitek if I remember right...The higest Pitcher I selected was Matt Belisle who has been phenominal for me in every league so far.