by pkwmati » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:31 am
Hey gang,
Very interesting question / topic. I’ve been wondering this myself for awhile, especially considering that all leagues seem to fill up in no more than 2-3 days except for 1969 which seems to take a week.
I am not anymore of a “regular” 1969 player relative to any of the other games. I just discovered this little part of the universe in February (one of the greatest days of my life!!!). I typically have only 2 teams going at once – one being a current season and one being a classic (70s, 80s, ATG or 1969). My first team was a 1969 team and I have just started my second season of 1969.
From what I can tell, the reason the 1969 game seems a little slower than the others is the variety. ATG offers so many different players and the mystery card games provide a more unique challenge. With a single season set, I think some players get “bored” with it. There are comments in the ATG message boards about players getting bored with the game and you have 70 teams spanning over 80 years! That’s why I’m surprised the new SOM release is 1986 as opposed to another mystery card game like 60s or 90s.
Just what I’ve been thinking. Maybe I’m way off base and more people will comment. I love all of the games in their own way and I intend to continue to play them all. The way I intend to rotate games should prevent me from ever getting bored.
I guess we also know that whoever makes the decisions about what games get released is a Mets fan – 1969 and 1986 – the two times the Mets have won titles? That can’t be a co-incidence.