by CHARLESBELL » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:48 am
My view is that any league with more than 16 teams is not going to be workable as an autoleague because a month into the new season those leagues will simply never fill. Another consideration is that the more teams there are, the more players there will be who do not make the playoffs. Again, for non hard core players, why would anyone want to compete against 15, 23, or even 29 other players instead of 11? So I believe that only hard core players are likely to more than just dabble in the larger team formats.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't have them. What I would envision is that all leagues start as the standard 12 team format, and then expand automatically. For normal autoleagues, once the initial 12 spots are full, the 12 players have the option of increasing the league size to 16, then 20 if they get 16, then 24, then 30. Must be unaminous. This also allows theme leagues to expand the number of teams as desired/needed or stop when no one else wants in and still use the autoleague format. For private leagues the league size can be set in advance to more than 12, with the option of increasing the size still available. My opinoin is that this allows the flexibility we need and would mitigate the real problem of diluting the pool of players with many different "fixed" formats.
Several have mentioned improving the draft system, which would be absolutely necessary. With many more teams, the disparity in team talent will be much wider in an autoleague as players will get fewer of their first picks and the consolation picks will go much deeper into the pool. That will leave less help in the FA when the draft is done, and HAL's draft choices will weigh more heavily on who ends up with the better team. This can be partially offset with lower salary caps, but my concern with a straight autodraft in large leagues is that I'll be stuck with what HAL gives me with little chance of improving the team after the draft.
So, the larger team format needs to have an improved autodraft system which somehow takes the above into account. I'd also suggest that a live draft system would be accessible and used by more players if it was a selectable option for all leagues. The live draft system I envision would have the improved autodraft combined with the live draft system - including automatic email notification letting folks know when their pick is due. Then if no pick is made and no proxies are ready the improved autodraft would make the pick so that there are no skipped picks and in order to finish in a reasonable time.