How long to fill leagues from past sets?

How long to fill leagues from past sets?

Postby DosCarlos » Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:07 pm

I have a group of at least four managers who are getting ready to start a league, and we're considering playing the 2002 season or one of the theme sets. I've only played the Back to the 80's game in the last couple years, so I'm wondering how fast the older, single-season leagues fill up. A couple of the managers are new to SOM, so I don't really want to set up the league and then wait for weeks before we start. Any info would be appreciated.
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Postby bomp helium » Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:23 am

there's a 2005 league that has seven managers and needs five (#14123)...2005 is my favorite of the three seasons I've participated in (05,06,07)...I've had fun in every league I've been in...

come join us...
bomp helium
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Postby Coffeeholic » Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:44 am

DosCarlos, the 2001, 2002 and 2003 leagues are taking about a month or so to fill right now. There is a thread just above that has links to all the leagues which are filling in all the different seasons.

If your buddies are new to SOM, then you should give serious consideration to the 2005 leagues which Helium has brought to your attention. The older leagues (2001-'03) have numerous "super value" players which you and your buddies wouldn't know about, and there are subtle ways in which the "vets" who fill these leagues take advantage of some "bugs" which had yet to be worked out of the game engine (they "game the game"). Beginning with the 2005 season, most of the bugs had been worked out and the salary structure for players became much more accurate, thus eliminating the "super value" players. Because of this, the playing field in 2005 is much more level and beginners should have a better chance of being competitive.
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Postby DosCarlos » Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:52 pm

I appreciate the info. After conferring with my friends again, I think Back to the 80's is the consensus choice this time around. The main reason we were interested in 2002 is that was the first year a lot of us played fantasy baseball together, but there's more interest in getting a league together quickly and playing with some of our childhood heroes. Thanks again.
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