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trade talk

Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:42 am

T.Rich and Sykes, please see your league inbox's.

Not sure if either of you are around, but if so, perhaps we could do some gift-exchanging. :)
BC Manager
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Postby BC Manager » Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:38 pm

T.Rich, I sent you a counter-offer. Have a look when you return.
BC Manager
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Postby albert2b » Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:00 pm

Just an FYI for all managers...

The latest trade between me and penn (Carman for Howell) also has my 1985 2nd round pick going to penn.
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Blyleven dealt for Sutcliffe

Postby albert2b » Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:33 am

Flushing, NY (AP) - In an unexpected development, longtime divisional rivals, the Flushing Fatboys and the Hoboken Murphs agreed to a one for one blockbuster deal that sent the 80's winningest pitcher, Bert Blyleven (70 wins this decade) to the Murphs for Rick Sutcliffe, the 2nd winningest pitcher in the 80's (69 wins). The deal was consumated late Thurday afternoon and made perhaps the biggest splash of a flurry of activity as the fast approaching trade deadline looms.

Blyleven, the 1st round pick of the Fatboys in the innaugural 1981 season, was the workhorse and ace of the Fatboys staff and led them to three playoff appearances in four seasons, including a World Championship in 1981. His performance this year, however, has been disappointing compared to previous seasons. His 42 home runs allowed led the league, despite not placing in the top 10 in innings pitched.

When approached by reporters following the deal, Blyleven appeared emotional and surprised by the trade. "I knew I've had some problems spotting the ball this year, but I really thought that I'd made some progress lately," said a teary eyed Blyleven. Ironically, in his last game as a Fatboy, he defeated the Murphs and Sutcliffe 6-4, just hours before he was traded. "I would've liked to have finished my career in Flushing, but I guess that's just not going to happen now. I know some guys in that clubhouse from past All-Star games. Stevie (Howe), Kurt (Stillwell) and....well, Rick. They're good guys and I'm going to do what I can to help them get back to being a contender....and that includes me pitching my rear-end off against the Fatboys these last couple of series."

Sutcliffe was not as emotional, although he acknowledged that he wanted a chance to pitch in the postseason again and a trade to the Fatboys was an opportunity to possibly do that. "I'm excited with the prospects of pitching on the same staff as Nolan (Ryan)," said Sutcliffe, referring to the league leader in strikeouts. "Also, as a pitcher, getting out of Jack Murphy is never a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, the fans out there were great and very supportive of me....but man, every popup to rightfield had a shot of leaving the yard."

Fatboys manager albert2b was optimistic about his teams chances with Sutcliffe aboard. "With Rick, it just makes everyone on our staff that much better," said albert. "Nolan and Schatzy (lefty Dan Schatzeder), who are already pitching great ball, will undoubtedly benefit from this. With those three heading up our rotation, I can feel good about every series we play in. And believe me, we'll need them to catch those darn Breakers. I heard they just picked up Kipper. Dadgummit, this West is sure shaping up, ain't it?"
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Postby Sykes25 » Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:16 am

As an FYI to managers- The Breakers and Murph trade involving Anderson and Kipper has Hoboken getting the Breakers' second round pick in 1985 in exchange for Hoboken's 3rd round pick in 1985.
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:31 am

I posted a message in league email listing players available that could help some of you down the stretch or in the playoffs. Act now before it's too late. I have numerous guys with good cards this year, that could be yours.
BC Manager
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Where are the offers?

Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:49 pm

No word from anyone yet. Hate to see my good cards go to waste. My guys want to be in the playoffs and win a championship. And it's not going to happen on my team. So if you could use a stud SP, 0.75 effective relievers, an effective 0.75 reverse righty SP, a C that can get on-base, an OF that dominates RHP, a 0.75 DH vs. RHP, a 3B or corner OF that destroys lefties, a CF with great range and that gets on base, or a leftie 1B with good power -- step up to the plate and make me an offer! (BTW, I'm referring to Barker, Parrett/Hume, O'Neal, Hassey, Grubb, Young, Cey/Matthews, Pettis, Walker, respectively)
BC Manager
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:57 pm

IMB, there's two offers in your mailbox. Feel free to counter.
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:03 pm

Two offers for Mav.

Anyone else in contention want a trade offer?
BC Manager
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:08 pm

An offer for Albert.
BC Manager
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