Hey Bonds Fans

Hey Bonds Fans

Postby geekor » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:10 pm

Are you still so 100% sure??

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Postby LMBombers » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:17 pm

Great news! I'm sure that they would never have indicted him without knowing they had enough to convict. :D Too bad they couldn't have done this before he passed Aaron.
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Postby Sykes25 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:52 pm

Now warming up in the MLB bullpen... THE FAT LADY!!!!!
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Postby xtrap » Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:53 pm

To be honest, I could care less at this point. The past 20 years are tainted in all sports. To simply blame Bonds is short-sighted. There are very few pure athletes anymore. It's all about money now. And that is the truth.

The End.

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Postby geekor » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:01 am

Look, I usually stay out of this.

I just laugh to myself for all those people who sit there and defend him, innocent till proven guilty, etc etc, when everyone knows he did it.
Kinda hard for all those people who came to his defense in the last round to still do it this time isn't it.

Baseball is full of cheats, greenies have been used for decades, and coke was prevalent in the club houses for a long time. Pine tar, spit balls, corked bats, etc etc. The teams don't really care unless they get caught as long as you perform. Only now are the fans even starting to care. Where was all the fans mocking during the McGuire/Sosa chase?

I just hope now all those people who were defending him will stop.
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Postby Mean Dean » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:01 am

[quote:1090594e34]I just laugh to myself for all those people who sit there and defend him, innocent till proven guilty, etc etc, when everyone knows he did it.
Kinda hard for all those people who came to his defense in the last round to still do it this time isn't it. [/quote:1090594e34]I can't imagine why it would be the least bit hard for such people (I am not one) to do so. If you are withholding judgment until he is proven guilty, well, he has not been proven guilty yet. I would completely expect those people to stick by that principle; an indictment doesn't affect it at all.
Mean Dean
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Postby LMBombers » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:06 am

Yeah but the thing is that just looking at his body you know he has done steroids for years and therefore lied about not doing them. The hard part has been "proving it" and apparently they now have enough evidence to do so.

It has not been "Gee I wonder if he did steroids" but being able to prove he did it and lied about it to a grand jury.

He very well could have been a HOF player if he didn't do the steroids. He certainly wouldn't have been the HR champ but he could have gotten 3,000 hits and had a career very similar to his dad's and probaably even better. Now, when proven guilty, he won't even be in the HOF and his name will be forever tainted.

How ironic is it that the HR champ and the all-time hits leader will not be in the HOF? :lol: It's kind of sad really.

I think it is perfect that the baseball he hit to break Aaron's record is in the HOF with an * branded on it.
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Postby visick » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:36 am

Unfortunately gentlemen...most of us live in the US of A where last I can recall, the judicial system finds you innocent until proven guilty.

This has been my point for some time now.

That's the law of the land. Sorry folks.

I wouldn't say that I've actually stood up for Bonds in the past. I've only raised the point like I mentioned above.
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Postby geekor » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:43 am

Innocent... [u:b258b98a6c]he admitted to a grand jury he took it.[/u:b258b98a6c]

That is not innocent, how hard is it to see that. Just because the public found out something they weren't supposed to know, doesn't mean he didn't do it. He admitted he took it, it up to you to believe if he did it on purpose or not.
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Postby visick » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:06 am

geekor, this is what he told the grand jury...

"Barry Bonds told a federal grand jury that he used a clear substance and a cream supplied by the Burlingame laboratory now enmeshed in a sports doping scandal, but he said he never thought they were steroids, The Chronicle has learned."
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