Anti-Secret Formula

Anti-Secret Formula

Postby J-Pav » Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:58 am

I wish I could've come up with a more clever team name, but after 45 teams I'm pretty much out of clever. My two year old, however, thinks this is a perfectly fine team name:

This is an experimental attempt at the anti-Secret Formula. That is...

1. $20.47 Pitching Staff ($10.68 SP/$9.79 RP)
2. All 3s at 2B, SS and CF (I'll be playing Drew in CF)
3. Trying to keep BBs and HRs down to get most value out of pitching
3A. Low WHIP - Not really, but hopefully an unbalanced park will take some of the sting out.
3B. Low ERA - Hmmm.

Just in case the message is blurred, I'm not [i:678bd69e06]trying[/i:678bd69e06] to lose with this team, but am in fact still trying to win. I'm hoping that a strong Beane Count (Net BBs+HRs) will keep me in the hunt. If nothing else, I've got a shot at most team BBs for the record books (current record: [b:678bd69e06]954[/b:678bd69e06]) as a possible consolation prize.

League starts on Monday night. Anyone that wants to throw in their two cents is perfectly welcome.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:08 am

Many points:

-I don't think it's fair to start with Drew in cf. That's about 1M of waste. Besides, playing Bradley (cf 2e10) is almost equivalent as playing a cf three.

-I am not sure about having Alvarez/Hermanson/Haren plus 4*SP. Perhaps it could work, doing a lot of rotations, but perhaps there is 5M wasted in potential SP/RP that could be more useful in a much needed middle reliever.

--your division is loaded of lhp pitchers---more than 50%. This, much more than Beane count or anti-secret formula, will have a large impact on the success/failure of your team. Your current roster is too weak vs lhp. Assuming that you keep Bonds, Carroll, and Drew, it means that you must move Bagwell, Guillen and Clark for similar-valued bats that will pound lefties. In my opinion, you must be at least neutral in order to have this experiment with some meaningful results.

As much as I like Kearns and Robinson, I don't see any use of having both in your team.
Last edited by MARCPELLETIER on Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby J-Pav » Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:52 am


I'm playing Drew in CF just to keep the 3-3-3 triangle. To offset the impact, I wanted 2s in LF and RF. I have a 1 at 3B to help offset some of the impact in the IF.

The long relievers [i:8b0e17ec85]are[/i:8b0e17ec85] spot starters, but there should usually be enough left over to get the ball to Isringhausen.

I am aware of the LH pitching in the division. Even though Bonds and Guillen are strong against RHP, they still hit LHP, no?

Agree on Kearns and Robinson, just can't find a better way to use the salary.


I've used the long relievers as spot starters w/ a bit of success this year. It won't be great, but it is doable.

Moyer's card is scary. I need to watch this one.

Bradley has always done well for me. He's a SH, and a little better against LHP. I need to keep 2s around Drew, that's why I'm leaning towards Bradley, who also has a bit of power, a bit of speed and a bit of arm.

The line-ups aren't that big of a deal. Drew, Bonds, Guillen, surrounded on both ends by lots of obp and some power.
Last edited by J-Pav on Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby J-Pav » Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:13 pm

Okay, made a few changes...

Added J. Hernandez for Carroll, LuGo for Bradley, Green for Clark. Gained power in lieu of defense, and added Wise to the stable of SP/RP.

Still tinkering...
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Postby J-Pav » Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:57 pm

Pitching is down to $19.12, but I'm not [i:7b05260c34]that[/i:7b05260c34] unhappy w/ it. We'll have to see.

Line-ups are evened up, w/ more power (Griffey), also vs. LHP (Hernandez, LuGo, Bocachica), plus speed and defense (Bocachica).

I'll be fudging a little by starting Bocachica in CF vs. LHP, but I'm trying too hard to avoid the "2" when there are plenty options available at CF (2) and fewer at CF (3). Griffey gets the call against RHP.

Line-ups are 12R vs. RHP, 2R vs. LHP. Griffey/Bocachica platoon should create favorable ph situations as well.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:33 pm

I got a secret formula for ya...

Happy New Years.
Play By The Rules
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Postby J-Pav » Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:24 am


Happy 2006 to you and to all!
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:32 am

My last comments before season starts:

-I don't like Griffey at all. IMO, way too expensive for what he can contribute, unless you play in Coors or in 100M leagues. But playing in Shea, which is relative neutral for lefties, and having such a good platoon as Bochachica, I would rather have confidence in a cheap 1.5M of to play rhp. I've noticed that there are several real bargains in that range, like Bigbie, Gerut, Higginson (to name a few in mind)---of course Davanon would rank there as well, although he is rarely available.

While your balance is better, I still think that 12R vs rhp and 2R vs lhp in a division that has some many lefties is too right-handed oriented. It should be at most 2R vs rhp, and 12L vs lhp---or something along those lines.

Instead of having Wolf (a S6), why note have another S/R, but more neutral, so that you always have a fresh reliever available in addition to betancourt.

Of course, this is just my own opinion.

BTW, I used Moyer in Shea. Did perform okay: 12-7, era 5.06. whip 1.44 innings pîtched: 162. Wolf had similar stats: 14-8, 5.07, 1.40. In this very team, I spent barely 10M on pitching, but still finished with a reasonable 4.66 era, and a 90-72 record. Surpringly, J.JPutz made a case for being the MVP on my team. Go figure.

late edit: just remembered that it was a 60M team.
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Postby J-Pav » Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:31 am


Happy New Year! :D

Thanks for the input. I think you're right, I did kind of like the team better w/ Wise instead of the extra weight from Griffey. I may go back and start tinkering again...

Still trying to keep my triangle of 3s though!

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