When Do You See Reality in this Game?

When Do You See Reality in this Game?

Postby daytonjim » Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:02 pm

I have now played 84 games in my first season (ATG3) and practically no statistics are anywhere near reality. Pitchers who, in real life, were mediocre are pitching like aces and .270 hitters are batting .350. I also don't see where the park ratings come into effect because I'm using Forbes '27 which is suppose to yield practically no home runs and in a recent series I had nine home runs hit against me and only one was by a true "power" hitter. Could someone also explain to be the net effect of a right-handed 4L pitcher facing a left-handed with a 4R rating? Very possibly my frustration with this game is I don't understand the rating system but people in my league have played hundreds or thousands of games and the players they have are just as far from reality as mine. How does this game become fun if there are no reasonable stats for anyone?
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Postby joethejet » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:08 am

Welcome to SOM! ;)

Well, thing usually *tend* to even out over an entire season, but there are always anomalies and parks *do* play a big part over the course of a season even if you're not seeing it now. That being said, it *is* a dice game and luck is certainly a part of everything that happens.

The "rating" system as you call it really just says how unbalanced a player is. It doesn't tell you how good they are against that side. a 9R might not be very good against RH, just REALLY bad v LH.

For real ratings you'd have to use something like what I offer (see web site below) or look at the web site that will show you stats for individuals (I don't have the URL)

Most importantly, repeat after me... It's a dice game, it's a dice game, it's a dice game. :D ;)

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Postby toshiro » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:45 am

I don't see no stinking dice. Where are my X-Roll results?
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Postby geekor » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:40 am

the problem is you are using their real life stats as the main indicator on what they should do. The actual card data is all that matters.

Under the strategy section, there is a thread called Newbie advice thread you should probably give a good once over.

Also, read the FAQ on how to read a hitters/pitchers card. Many players have natural homeruns on their cards, which ballparks have nothing to do with. Ballparks only matter for the ballpark hr/singles and nothing else.
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Postby the splinter » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:05 pm

Brett is a 6R yet still is very effective vs. LHP....just an example.
the splinter
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:06 pm

Wait..... that number sign on the cards are not for tic-tac-toe.

Jees.... gotta change my thought process before the next card set comes out. :wink:

Oh by the way.... does Ted Williams ever hit in Fenway 86......sheesh.

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Postby toshiro » Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:55 am

They need to get the pricing right on Teddy Ballgame. I just can use a moderate home run hitter who's slow as poo ANYWHERE. I mean, if I go Fen 67, I'll take Rickey over Williams 10 times out of 10 (he's cheaper, almost same power, and MEGA fast). I mean, I *want* to use the Splinter, but...

Same on Boggs too. Just can't justify using him at that price. Maybe if I get in some kind of funky theme'd league I can do it.
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:58 pm

[quote:c500520adc="toshiro"]They need to get the pricing right on Teddy Ballgame. I just can use a moderate home run hitter who's slow as poo ANYWHERE. I mean, if I go Fen 67, I'll take Rickey over Williams 10 times out of 10 (he's cheaper, almost same power, and MEGA fast). I mean, I *want* to use the Splinter, but...

Same on Boggs too. Just can't justify using him at that price. Maybe if I get in some kind of funky theme'd league I can do it.[/quote:c500520adc]

I am in a theme league, so......... I almost want to put in Jim Rice(I guess you see the RedSox theme here!!!!!!!)
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