by geekor » Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:27 pm
[quote:ccf2659a77="teamnasty"]"(Morneau's) salary is 9th highest", and that' my point. Pujols, Hafner, Thome, Ortiz, Howard, and Johnson are all better on the merits, the top few by far. In a 12 man division Morneau is mid-pack performance-wise, and for the money isnt as good as Swisher, Giambi, Delgado et al. He's a 3e9, whoopdee doo, you need an unapologetic stick there. He's a good player, but a mediocre value, and he is way outslugged and onbased by the above guys. As for Uribe, a 2e18 plus 25 bombs will never make up for consuming 450+ outs a season. You get what you pay for with him. Blech.[/quote:ccf2659a77]
In all honesty you've seen very little of how the player end up playing out with 3.6 seasons played don't you think? do you at least have the ratings so you can quantify your positions besides simple salary constraints?
If you've played enough seasons, you would see that Morneau many times has outperformed those more expensive than him, I consider him a great value at 1b. The actuals predicate my response, not some BS about the salary which has no real usefulness.