BernieH I feel ripped off

BernieH I feel ripped off

Postby sleepdok » Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:52 am

I traded for a new ace at the deadline, Kazmir, and he gets a 10 game injury just before the playoffs. I have neve seen a starting pitcher get a 10 game injury does this happen? it is a DH league and he never even bats..........

Has anyone else experienced this?

I feel totally ripped off
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:42 am

I believe that when the DH gets a roll of 6-12 the pitcher can be injured. Indeed its a bad break, but injuries to pitchers do occur.
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Postby geekor » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:30 pm

adn if they've pitched 200 innings or more it will be for only 3 games, anything less means up to 15 games. It happens, to me I probably average 1 pitcher injury every other season. usually it's to one of my relievers, but them are the breaks.
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Postby Rant » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:48 pm

The upside can be a surprising performance from a reliever. After an injury I had Darren Oliver throw a shutout into the seventh before getting lifted. Of course the pen blew the game ...
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Postby emm9230 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:58 pm

i also believe it's on a triple 6 roll when the dh is at-bat

should happen 3+ times a season

triple 6 - 1/216 chances

dh will bat 648+ times a season
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Postby Terry101 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:31 pm

I've had starters go done for 15 games. I've had a starter go down for 10 then a few games after he got back he got injured again. Actually pitchers do not get injured enough. Hitters get injured at a realistic rate; pitchers hardly ever get injured- The pitcher has sto be pitching to the DH and then I believe (as emm said that three 6's have to show on the dice. Pretty slim chances.
Last edited by Terry101 on Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:52 am

It is the exact same chance as any hitter with an injury result in any column on a roll of 2 or 12.
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Postby Terry101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:49 pm

The chances are not the same unless you mean once the pitcher is actually facing the DH.

The chances of a player with an injury on the 2 or 12 will be injured in 1 in 216. He will, on the average draw an injury 3 times in a season.

In a DH league the pitcher can not be injured while pitching to anyone but the DH. So in a typical season a starting pitcher would face the DH only 11% of the time. So if he faces a DH 100 times during the season he has less than a 50% chance of drawing an injury. Pretty slim chances that your pitcher will be injured as compared to a hitter.

A hitter with an inury on the 2 or 12 is about 7 times more likely to be injured in a season than a starting pitcher and about 20 times more likely to be injured than a relief pitcher.

You could look at from the point of view of your whole pitching staff. This is what you could expect. Your pitching staff will face a DH around 650 times, so you would expect around 3 injury draws per staff per year. (ranging from remainder to 15 games out)
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:22 pm

[quote:0ac16f9dbc="Terry101"]You could look at from the point of view of your whole pitching staff. This is what you could expect. Your pitching staff will face a DH around 650 times, so you would expect around 3 injury draws per staff per year. (ranging from remainder to 15 games out)[/quote:0ac16f9dbc]

That is what I'm saying. Lets say that your DH has an injury on a 2 or 12. How ever many times he bats he will have the exact same chance of injury as the pitcher he is facing. Therefore the DH [b:0ac16f9dbc]AND[/b:0ac16f9dbc] the pitcher he would be facing would have the same chance of injury throughout the season.

There are some reasons that you may think that pitchers are injured less often than hitters.
1. All hitters do not have an injury on a 2 or 12 only. Some hitters will have their injury occurance on a 3, 4 or even higher number which is more likely to be rolled. All pitcher injuries occur on a 2 or 12 only.
2. Many SP cards are from seasons where they pitched 200 IP or more. On those seasons they can only become injured for 3 games max, meaning that they will not even miss a start. The only net result would be being pulled from the current game early. That is hardly felt. RP, who obviously pitched less than 200 IP may only face the DH as a group 1 or 2 times per game. Therefore they have less opportunities of becoming injured in the first place. However all pitchers as a whole have the SAME chance of injury as your DH in my above example.
3. When pitchers do get injured their loss is not usually felt as much a hitter because you will generally have 4 more RP that will take up the slack or one of your best RP is generally slated to start a game missed by your SP if he has to miss a start. It has been my experience that the RP generally does pretty darn well when forced to start. On the other hand when your starting SS (or any position player) is injured and you have to use a sub 1M backup player you really see the impact of that.
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Postby Terry101 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:19 pm

True enough. All good points.
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