by DOUGGRAY » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:05 am
I created the tour for great and fun competition, yes serious but still fun and excitement has to be involved. It was organized to simply get everyone in the community involved in organized leagues of different themes and parameters.
Mistakes will always happen and until this becomes "professional" type stuff with real money involved we will always accomodate rookie mistakes.
Rules dont need to be re-written because they are 99% accurate. Yes we do need to add to them to help those out that dont know the themes but in the end if you want to make the precise and rigid you will take away the spirit of community, fun and most likely good natured sportsmanship.
If they are rigid and dont have any room for people that make small mistakes that should have NO impact on playing the actual game you can simply count me and everything I have done out of it completely because its simply the path I do not want to be involved with. Sorry but we have more important things in life then penalizing people for simple mistakes.
PBTR, this is nothing against you. You want to do everything go ahead, you will find that you will miss something still in the end and the tour board will make a decision. In the end you will have done lots of work for little except make yourself feel better. I have run too many tournaments, been chairman of fantasy and real life stuff for too many years. Currently Im the Tournament Director of my golf association at my country club and trust me, you can write a thousand and one rules but it still doesnt solve everything. You complained this year, someone else will complain next year and so on. Its never ending for those who run things.
May I suggest you run the tour next year so that you can be part of all the decisions and understand what really happens.
btw, head to head I have beaten Cristano more times then he has beaten me :D :D