Question about Cards and Simulation.

Question about Cards and Simulation.

Postby Madigan33 » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:51 pm

I read a discussion about how the simulation adjusted to the number of hits, doubles and triples on a players card. The debate was that once a players reaches the number on their card, HAL makes adjustments to slow down the number of them that the player can get so their final stats will better reflect the card. I never found out of that was true or not, and I was unable to find the discussion.

For example: John Smith has 120 hits 20 doubles and 10 triples. Through the first 81 games he gets 21 doubles and 11 triples. HAL will now adjust when he bats to prevent him from getting a crazy number of doubles and triples relative to his card. Which seems odd since park factor is so important.

My question is does the simulation work that way? if so for which stats?

And second since my team had a huge offensive surge during the beginning of the year will it start to drop off? and since my pitching was terrible will that improve?

Any insights are appreciated.
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Postby Mean Dean » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:35 pm

[quote:1795258701]My question is does the simulation work that way?[/quote:1795258701]No.
Mean Dean
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Postby joethejet » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:49 pm

It used to, but they stopped that a couple of years back I believe.

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Postby dennisfs561 » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:50 pm

I have also encountered what you describe, and enough times to make me wonder. That said, no--I don't think it works that way either.
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:53 pm

No, there are enough examples out there of tremendous homerun seasons and other records that show that there is no forced adjustments.

Several seasons ago there was a TSN imposed forced adjustment for homeruns which bernie I believe ferreted out and got removed. Suspicions that the adjustments had included other stats was never proven to my knowledge.

Strat-o-matic itself has no such forced adjustments built into its code. The only adjustments it will make, via options that can be turned on and off, is to force the plate appearances and innings pitched to be close to what a player actually had that season. This is primarily used when trying to accurately replay past seasons or when you want to keep bench players with few appearances from playing too much.
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