question about setting Line up

question about setting Line up

Postby clawson trojans » Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:48 am

I have played in 4 leagues now and I cannot set my line up.

I have been trying to read all the posts I can but nothing is really working for me. I have tried alot of different line ups that people told me about, but not having great success. I found this under Strategy

1-lead-off, great on-base, has a running *.
2-good on-base avoid gbA
3-your best hitter
4-your power hitter
5-another power hitter--emphasize good clutch
6-8 your weaker hitters---> should be good defenders
9- a good on-base

Does anyone else have any good methods on how to set a lineup?

Here is the website to my new team.

Rodriguez, Ivan
Ardoin, Danny
Berkman, Lance
Konerko, Paul
Giambi, Jason
Castillo, Luis
Jones, Chipper
Blalock, Hank
Vizquel, Omar
Santiago, Ramon
Wilson, Preston
Podsednik, Scott
Damon, Johnny
Drew, J.D.

at US Cellular Field
clawson trojans
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:21 am

bad team link. Only you will be able to see your team with that link. Go to your league statistics and select team stats. Click on your team and the URL will change to on that ends in a number and not .html. Copy and paste that link here for us to see.

I would suggest a lineup like this for your current roster:

Damon CF
Vizquel SS
Berkman LF
Giambi DH
Konerko 1B
Chipper 3B
Drew RF
IRod C
Castillo 2B

at least vs RHP.
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Postby clawson trojans » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:34 am

Thank you LM, but is there any good methods or rules to setting a good lineup?

Her is that link.
clawson trojans
Posts: 55
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Postby maligned » Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:15 am

The above guidelines you listed work well. However, unless you're trying some extreme strategy like using all speed and hit & run, the order of your lineup doesn't make a huge difference over the long haul. Generally, if you keep your best power in the 3-5 slots, some OBP at 1 and 2, your weakest hitters 6-9, you will score about the same number of runs over the long haul no matter how you organize your lineup. The only way computer simulations reveal significant differences in lineups is if you slot your top power guy too early (#1 or 2) or too late or have no OBP at slots 1 and 2. Other than this, don't stress too much.
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Postby michael_kofsky » Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:37 am

LMBombers - why would you suggest Damon/Vizquel for 1-2 in the order vs RH's when both of them have LESS than 34 OB chances on their cards vs RH pitching. Drew, Catillo, Chipper or Giambi would all be better leadoff/2nd position choices.
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:44 pm

I didn't study the players in detail but I wouldn't want Giambi or Chipper batting 1 or 2 no matter what their OBP is. I would have them on my team for power so I would want them lower in the order so as to not waste their power. I like Damon and Viz's speed at the top. Maybe Castillo would be better at #1 moving Damon down to #9. I think Viz has low gba chances, can bunt, has speed and can get on base. Those are all traits that I love for my #2 guy. The two most important factors for a #2 hitter IMO are low gba chances and one of the better OBP in the lineup.
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Postby geekor » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:17 pm

I'm in disagreement with LMB here. I've had success (albeit I haven't had to try in 07) in previous years with slow but high OB guys up front.

I would go:

vs R: Drew, Giambi, Jones, Berkman, Konerko, Damon, Castillo, Irod, Vizquel

vs L: Vizquel, Damon, Irod, Konerko, Jones, then... ?? The rest is garbage. Maybe Giambi for his HR's with some walks. Probably want Berkman 9th so if a RH releiver comes in later he can get some extra ab's.

Overall that offense just isn't very potent.
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:05 pm

geekor, Your saying that you just list them in OBP order 1-9? That is one approach but I like building a lineup a little more like a real team. As some people have posted, it probably doesn't really matter that much anyway.
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Postby dennisfs561 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:56 pm

Somebody posted this once, and I generally follow this outline:

[b:fc9aebf253]#1: best on-base, respectable slugging (over .400)---should have best OBP or be close to it, ideally with speed,
respectable stealing capacity and high gbA.

#2: your second best overall hitter, ideally with few gbA, negative clutch

#3: your typical slugger (high hr chances, low on-base), ideally with few gbA, negative clutch

#4: your best hitter, ideally with positive clutch

#5: your best other card, with positive clutch and high gbA.

#6: your 6th best card, with high stealing/speed capacity
#7: your 7th best card
#8: your 8th best card
#9: your 9th best card----if OPS is similar to those for #7 and #8,
then the best on-base among these three cards should hit #9. [/b:fc9aebf253]

( I did a copy and paste of this part of the original post to a .txt document. Wish I was sure on who to give the credit to--- it may have bean Dean---- Anyhow, it has helped my game quite a bit.)
Last edited by dennisfs561 on Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby maligned » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:23 pm

slot #1 should say, "should have best [b:68ffb24b48]OBP[/b:68ffb24b48]..." not "best OPS."

Best OPS should be your #4 hitter.
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