Please shoot some holes into this team

Please shoot some holes into this team

Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:43 pm

Cuz, I can't figure out where I screwed this team up. I am in dead last and in an eleven game losing streak.

My hitting performance at home and against RHPs is good. I need to do better against LHP althugh there are only 2 true lefties in my division. My division has; US Cell, ATT Park and Wrigley Field.

No matter how you slice it my pitching has been underwhelming. I think I have pitchers who should be doing better. My divison doesn't have any of the usual LH-power bats such as Ortiz, Hafner or Howard.

So, is there something that should be jumping out at me on this one?


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Postby Roscodog » Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:20 pm

1 thing for sure, you don't exactly have the greatest defensive team ever. Better D would definetely make your pitchers better.
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Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:55 pm

Especially the IF, huh.
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Postby the splinter » Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:14 pm

I'll review your pitching....

Starters are way too slanted to the RH. Even though Camden favors RHH's..LHH's still can hit there...evenmore so if all your pitchers are tossing them softballs. I'd think Webb is getting some bad breaks bit Zam and Bronson blow. Bronson has way too many BPHR for the $, Ervin santanba is about the same card and 3 mill cheaper. I'd dump them both and grab a couple of sub 4 million starters with a bit'o balance....Jennings, Lowe and Cain come to mind. Maybe to free up serious $$ you could consider D. Cabrera or Penny as well as other sub 2 mil guys.

Your pen is decent IMO. Rivera only has 14 IP so I figure you picked him up in season. With both Heilman and Sanchez in the pen your others should be limited to match up only. 45 IP for Wilson is way too much. He should get 30 in a season if he's lucky(or you're unlucky). I'd cut him for a R1 of some type. Why are you carrying Billingsley. Wasted $$. Cut him for a LHRP that slays LHH. There are many under a million.

As mentioned above...your D is poor. I would cut German for a 2 with under 10 e's at 2b. Where is Gload playing? Ozanu? Manny? If any 2 of these guys are playing OF you are hurting an already vulnerable staff.

Good luck.
the splinter
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Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:48 pm

[quote:42fde14531="the splinter"]I'll review your pitching....

Starters are way too slanted to the RH. Even though Camden favors RHH's..LHH's still can hit there...evenmore so if all your pitchers are tossing them softballs. I'd think Webb is getting some bad breaks bit Zam and Bronson blow. Bronson has way too many BPHR for the $, Ervin santanba is about the same card and 3 mill cheaper. I'd dump them both and grab a couple of sub 4 million starters with a bit'o balance....Jennings, Lowe and Cain come to mind. Maybe to free up serious $$ you could consider D. Cabrera or Penny as well as other sub 2 mil guys.

Your pen is decent IMO. Rivera only has 14 IP so I figure you picked him up in season. With both Heilman and Sanchez in the pen your others should be limited to match up only. 45 IP for Wilson is way too much. He should get 30 in a season if he's lucky(or you're unlucky). I'd cut him for a R1 of some type. Why are you carrying Billingsley. Wasted $$. Cut him for a LHRP that slays LHH. There are many under a million.

As mentioned above...your D is poor. I would cut German for a 2 with under 10 e's at 2b. Where is Gload playing? Ozanu? Manny? If any 2 of these guys are playing OF you are hurting an already vulnerable staff.

Good luck.[/quote:42fde14531]

You will be shocked but have had Rivera since the beginning. Not a lot of save opportunities.

ozuna has been DHing against LHPs but I may cut Lofton and have Ozuna DH aginst both sides.

Yes, I am looking to trade German and Gload (RF) before cuting them and losing the 20%.

Thanks splinter and rosoe
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Postby Jerlins » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:35 pm

Having 2 4's at the OF corner slots, and an injury risk 2 rated CF with a 3 rated D as his replacement is a sure ticket to disaster. You can have all the stud pitching in the world but if you don't compliment them with at least some defense, you may as well have sub $1 pitchers.
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Postby The Turtle » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:46 am

What are your setting for Mo Rivera, 14 innings is a travesty

Have him close both ways and u have nothing checked in his box i would hope, except maybe slow hook
The Turtle
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Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:28 am

[quote:a7e1a6741d="The Turtle"]What are your setting for Mo Rivera, 14 innings is a travesty

Have him close both ways and u have nothing checked in his box i would hope, except maybe slow hook[/quote:a7e1a6741d]

Slow Hook
Avoid use in blowout
IBB less with this pitcher
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Postby geekor » Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:52 am

Well on offense you have some underperformers.

I agree on many of these topics, Arroyo does suck, and Zambrano has sucked for me but I've seen decent seasons from him for others.

You bullpen is completely mis-managed, cheapies shouldn't be leading your team in innings pitched, Heilman should. Rivera should be setup and closer both ways, avoid before 8th, slow hook. You need another decent guy in there to eat some innings.

I like German way to much to ever cut him, def is a 3 yea, but hell he's the only guy w ith 50 ob chances each way. He's underperforming now, but he should come around.

Whose platooning with Edmonds? he needs it, bad! Is Murphy available?

Agree you should never run 2 4's in the OF, 1 is livable (still discouraged) but 2 will kill you. Keep MAnny obviously, but rectify that RF with better def!
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