by kimkrichbaum2 » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:48 pm
OK, this is the new divisional alignment, with me and brahmanbiggers switching. Now the "east" division can load and will be the Central in our league. Roscoe will load tomorrow, Hendrix and knigherrant, load when ready, password has been pm'ed to that division. and lets get that last person!
PS, if anybody has any days that would bad for waivers (like X-mas) let me know, and we'll see if we can work around your schedule.
1. (No Hit) - Roscodog
2. (No Pitch) - Hendrix08
3. (No Star) - Branhambiggers
4. (NO Balance) - knighterrant
5. (No Hit) -
6. (No Pitch) - macsyanks
7. (No Star) - litangel
8. (NO Balance) - Terry101
9. (No Hit) - calbatross
10. (No Pitch) - tomb4444
11. (No Star) - FAaron
12. (NO Balance) - nymets99