by JdEarly » Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:41 pm
First, I am a 7-time champ who has received a lot of help from DJ over the last couple of years, whether he knows it or not.
As for the way trades go, I do enjoy making trades but I don't find it very easy to do so after the season is started. Sometimes you enter the season still with a hole to fill, such as a slick fielding offensive albatross who brings down your run production (Adam Everett, Chris Duffy) without adequate support around them. Sometimes you have a group of relievers who, after your closer, you really aren't incredibly comfortable with. Whatever. Making the numbers match up in terms of salary is often far too difficult because everyone is so close to the maximum salary (generally $80 million) that it takes pinpoint, dead on identical salary exchanges.
Personally, I am much more willing to make a deal when I have a team that just incredibly sucks. Like monumental amounts of suckage. It happens early every year, when everyone is still trying to figure out what parks and cards they like. When my teams suck, I don't care about losing cap space from dropping players, so I am more than willing to make a deal that can help someone else while also allowing me to check out some new cards. Does that make sense? I will drop a player to create the cap space necessary to make a deal, if need be.
This is a huge help for later in the year, when I figure what parks I am good at putting teams in, and it allows me to experiment on a lower level than DJ (I "only" field an average of about a dozen teams a year), but still allows me to have some information to pass on to people who ask questions. I have to admit, it also helps me to field fairly competitve teams almost every time out later in the year, because I know what works for me. Kind of figure out my element, if you will. I can construct a pretty decent team with pitching, speed, and defense even if I don't have the time to make the post-waiver frenzy... but I doubt I could compete with an All-Masher unit even if I had $20 million more to spend than everyone else. That's just this year.
I'm rambling, sorry. Anyhow, I enjoy making trades, but really find it difficult unless I am willing to sacrifice cap space with drops to accomodate.