We're doing another 2 + 2 league, where each manager gets two whole teams + 2 draft choices. This league has been the most fun, the most realistic, and had the best trading of any league I have ever been in.
The rules are: 200 mil, DH. We have a 2 round serpentine draft of real baseball teams. Draft order set by state lottery numbers. You must use the stadium of one of the two teams you draft. Team name mus ahve some relationship to the two teams you draft. After that draft, there are two rounds of free agent drafts from the teams not chosen, during each round the draft starts with the team of lowest salary to the team with the highest. The Free agents chosen are the only players who can not be traded or dropped at any time. All players from your two teams are your property, and can not be chosen or picked up by anybody else, (you can think of players not on your 25 man roster as your minor leagues.) If you drop a player during the season from your roster, other teams may pick him up for a period of 3 days. if he is not picked up, then he becomes your exclusive property again. You can trade players from your roster and players from your farm team. Once you trade for a player you have the same rights to him that his original team did. Trades can be unbalanced (3 for 2 for example) but all trades must be within 2.5 mil in total salary.
At the end of the draft the divisions are chosen by team salary, highest in the West, middle in the central, lowest in the east. (I did not realize this first time around, but there is strategy to this, if you get a poor draft position, you do not necessarily want to be in the division with the big monsters.) I will post a list of the salaries of the different teams.
25 man limit on teams, unless there is an injury of 3 games or more, then you can call up a sub for the duration of the injury (however, beware, this means you will have to drop him, and other managers will have a chance to pick him up.)
Sign up!
1. litangel - WI