Hi Guys, new player here. I'm kinda learning "on the fly" and really enjoy the game. But there are still a few things I don't quite get.
One is why my Chase Utley can't seem to break the Mendoza line...but that's another thread.
My question is regarding fatigue. Is it even a factor at all in this game? If not, why? It really should be.
I see many of the top teams cut down to 24 or 25 players to better concentrate their payroll to bigger players, and then promptly toss out their relievers pretty much every game. That isn't very realistic, is it?
We have teams where relievers have pitched over 80 innings in about 93 games so far.
Also, when you have a guy who only played 120 AB's in the real year, can he really be expected to go for 600 in SOM?
Maybe there is a fatigue factor somewhere but I can't find it. Am I looking in the wrong spot?