Postby kaviksdad » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:18 am

This is going to be a looooonnnnnnggggggg season... :cry:
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With the exception of Tom and Ineluki's teams

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:56 am

It doesn't appear anyone has had an easy time scoring. Definitely Pitching Dominant at a glance.

J-PAV is winning at Wrigley with the winning formula that always got me in the post with Wrigley teams. And I am surprised a lot of players don't use it more often.

My book on the Wrig is based upon Wrigley being a tough Pitcher's Park that RH Power hitters dominate in. But I always won by alternating RH SP's that were tough on righties with RH SP's that were tough on Lefties.

It appears to be working very well in this one - especially because hgis 2 tough reverses are also tough on Righties and give up very few HRs.

Nice job J... :wink:
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One last note on Wrigley...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:03 am

This year, I always felt that Wrigley would be a great Park for Clemens or Schmidt to be sandwiched in between 2 very tough, but cheap RHP's - like Beckett and Vasquez. But I would take Matt Wise instead of Schmidt and go for more hitting in my budget.

But it looks like J's system is rolling right along - Like a freight train. :wink:
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Yet one more...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:16 am

My favorite Wrigley hitter this year isn't even a RHH - It's Bonds. I think there is a lot of good RHH that hits righties well and decently priced. Cabrera in LF, Torrealba and Buck at C - only 3.07 in cap, (Or Estrada for balance at C), definitely Boone and either Miles or Harris vs righties and either Glaus(My favorite)/Ramirez or Lowell at 3B, Everett and Furcal at SS and Wilk in either LF or RF and a good OBA combo in RF(DaVannon/Bocachia) or Ford or Freel if you can get them and a LH DH/1B combination - Huff/ Giambi were my favorites.

Good lefty righty mix with Bonds being the only big LH righty killer you need. Since most lfeties you see with a Wrigley team are revs, I always tried to carry at least 2 and sometimes 3 LH Reverse hitter(Giambi/Wilk/Huff) to counter it.

So much for Wrigley advice - I just miss playing with this bunch. GL evceryone. Robert(SWP)
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Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:12 am

The league is very evenly-matched with several teams either right at the 500 mark, or just a game or two on either side of it. I'm so burned out on '05 that this is my 'only' team going at the moment. I've never been down even close to just 1 team active before.
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I am only playing with a bT 80's team

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:50 pm

active right now...With The LOTO Consolation League in Limbo - only 4 teams in so far. myself, Trich and 2 players from a Vet/Rookie mixed format I have been in which Tyber created.

I am probably going to wait and see if anyone else from that league wants to play and then even open it up to anyone here in the Finals League who has any credits they'd like to burn within the friendly confines of LOTO.

But this LOTO League is definitely my last of 05'.

Kav, are you coming to Phoenix for Cactus League this year? Anyone else interested in hooking up for some Spring Training? it's all just within 45 minutes of my home in the Major Phoenix Metro Area.

LOTO Players are always most welcome at the home of Robert the Southwest's Premier Psychic Counsellor and Italian Chef par Excellence.

I am minutes from the Airport - centrally located and only walking distance from 3 Stripclubs and 10 min. from Where the DBacks and Suns play.

I don't know if there is a Regional Series here during March Madness this year, but I think we might be looking at another Connecticut/Duke Finals Matchup.

I'm from the Nutmeg state originally, so everyone knows where my alliances lie. :wink:
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:44 am

Robert - won't be down to Phoenix this year, since the wife "guilted" me into buying a new pickup for my oldest son. Sort of shoots a hole in the old vacation budget. Next year for sure though.

And I'm like Jeep - this is my only active team going right now, and other than the Jaser Tourney and the Tour Finals league, I'm done with 2005. I'm hoping I'll have some enthusiasm when 2006 comes out.
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Whenever I get burned out...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:26 pm

On This, I play ATG(Which I really love) - Lots of great players to choose from, mature managers, every type of BP and a way to challenge my mind instead of watching TV. The 05' game seemed much more challenging than other years. Because of the dearth in Pitching, I totally abandoned my style of play due to not being able to get who I wanted.

Choosing instead to at least attempt to play edgecitytx type of ball - low to midranged matchup pitchers and lots of hitting. Overall, I did OK fror unfamilar territory, but I am not the Master that Edge is t it. so I really got my butt handed to me in some leagues. It seems I either made the Finals or finished with one of the 3 worst records - no consistency at all.

I may have fared better had I only played Safeco and Petco where I did the best, but I experimented with non 1 sided power parks for the 1t time and got thrashed. 3 consecutive Fenway teams lost a cumulative 70 games and killed my win pct. for the year after doing very well up to that point.

But i certainly enjoyed the challenge of trying something new out. If I didn't hate losing so much, I might have even ventured out a little farther.

But it looks like the 06' game has some Parks I will like - Washington, Safeco and Houston look much like my kind of parks.

Kav, you'll be missed this year. GL everyone. Robert
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Postby CATom » Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:55 pm

this IS my last team for the '05 cards. Playing LESS ATG, also. Really LIKE the new '69 game - think i'll play alot more of that until the '06 cards come out :) This loto team is beginning to look VERY WEAK (my pitching, anyway) - Good Luck, All!
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:46 am

You just can't get any tighter than this league, which is typical LOTO I guess. Teams which started strong have fallen some, and conversely teams that started poorly have turned it up. So what does that mean? Almost everyone is grouped together within a game or two of each other. It's going to be a wild ride fellers. :)
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