A question about a "bullpen by committee"

A question about a "bullpen by committee"

Postby satyre » Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:42 am

I had what I think was a good draft in a $200M league, offensively and starting rotation wise. But I ended up piecing together a bullpen made up of Sosa, Garber, Martinez, Lyle and Drabowsky. In a case like that, do you think it's better to leave it to the computer to decide who to put in what situation or assign particular set up men and closers? Thanks.
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Postby packleader » Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:49 am

When in doubt, I trust HAL (the computer), but I reassess from time to time (about 40 games into the season) and then assign roles if I don't like the outcomes to that point. I utilize the player settings to influence what role I want for each reliever in the pen. If I have obvious set up men from each side and a closer, then I assign roles from the beginning. Hope this helps.
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:41 pm

Is this the 70's game? All those guys have individual strengths. Drabowski VG in pitching parks for example. Use them accordingly series to series. Same applies in ATG.
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